Water Board Sewer Capacity Notification – The Water Board Sent the Notice to Kyle Warsinski and Deepak Moorjani, but ‘Staff’ Never Notified Council

2016-04-27q 2016-04-27r

At the March 28, 2016 Beaumont Council Workshop Brian from Willdan Engineering asked Hope Smythe from the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board about the getting a State Injunction on the issuance of Building Permits because the City’s Sewer is already at capacity.

Smythe replied that the City of Beaumont was in violation of their permit requirement. So why didn’t the Water Board notify the City?

They did.

On November 20, 2015 the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board sent a notification to the City, but it was addressed to Kyle Warsinski and Deepak Moorjani.

Warsinski never notified Council because he works for Urban Logic. Even at the Sewer Propaganda Workshop the City Council’s ‘trusted staff’ failed to mention the Board’s letter regarding sewer capacity.

Apparently the Water Board knows that Moorjani is still controlling the Sewer Plant. Moorjani has been in hiding for 10 years, Kyle stated Moorjani resigned on March 31st, but could not produce a resignation notice, and Kernan McKiernan stated on April 21, the day before the FBI raids, that Moorjani was still working at the City’s through Urban Logic. Moorjani is still listed as Principal of Urban Logic.

It is illegal for the City to issue building permits without the ability to provide Infrastructure, but Beaumont Doesn’t care if it’s illegal or the irreparable harm they are inflicting on the City. Council ‘trusts their staff’.

Beaumont Sewer Workshop Transcript March 28, 2016:

2:29:00 Brian from Willdan Engineering to Hope Smite: When you have a plant that’s at 75% capacity at what point does the Regional Board start looking at imposing a moratorium or some type of an injunction on the issuance of building permits?

Smite: That’s a good question. I don’t have an answer for you tonight. I think the immediate thing we went to see is some kind of plan that the City can put forth to address the capacity issue. It is a permit requirement that be addressed. I don’t want to talk doomsday, but your technically in violation of that permit requirement currently by not submitting that report. I think the best thing would be to submit something to us in the near future that says you’re working on this issue. You know, it is a permit requirement.