Watch Sewer Workshop: What Did We Learn?

The City has Promised the Ratepayers’ Recycled Water to the Morongo Tribe ?

Highlights of the Sewer Feasibility Workshop:

della condon: ’tenant landlord’ ‘regionalization’

A ‘partnership’ is not an option because the Beaumont Staff and Council are lying, cheating, crooks.

The Water Districts gave the Council a chance to hire honest staff and make realistic choices. It is not possible to do anything with Beaumont’s recycled water because Beaumont HAS NO RECYCLED WATER!!!

Beaumont has to build $4 Million worth of Infrastructure BEFORE they can create Title 22 Compliant Recycled Water.

Brian K. Knoll Webb and Ass’s : “That’s your water and you’d be able to sell it.” Title 22 Report from State in October 20 comments “A matter of a few millions and 5 or 6 different projects”

Except that the Council just transferred $5 million and drained the sewer fund…

Orozco: “Higher TDS from older part of town.”

That’s two different issues.

TDS is the Total dissolved Solids – what’s left over after the sewage is processed.

The 85 year old clay sewer lines in the Original part of town are contaminating the groundwater because of deterioration – before it gets to the sewer plant.

Greg Henry NBS Rate Design


Option 1 : $85,000,000

Option 2: $147,550,000

“This is what their rates would be if you told them to leave and go to Yucaipa.”

The City can’t get bond debt because they stole all the bond money in the past and forged their financial statements for 20 years.

Morongo Tribe: Making Deal for Recycled Water for Five Years to water golf courses. Request deal completed by end of the year.


Who in the City is negotiating to sell the Ratepayers’ Recycled Water ??