Urban Logic Finally Pays Beaumont Citizens for Responsible Growth

By: Libi Uremovic | Original Article at patch.com

After four years the SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) brought by Urban Logic Consultants and against Beaumont Citizens For Responsible Growth has finally come to a close.

In 2010 Urban Logic Consultants sued a Citizens’ Group, Beaumont Citizens for Responsible Growth and its Officers for $3 Million in an attempt to force BCRG to remove their website, www.Beaumontgate.org which informed the Community of the City of Beaumont Staff ’s violations of State Law.

BCRG successfully defended It’s first amendment rights with its anti SLAPP victory in
February 2011. Urban Logic Consultants was ordered to pay Beaumont Citizens for Responsible Growth $33,132.00 in legal fees. Urban Logic then Appealed and lost in 2012, increasing the Legal Fees owed to defendant BCRG to $90,002.00 plus added interest.

Urban Logic’s Appeal proved to be an uphill battle for the plaintiffs, since that’s what an Anti-SLAPP motion is supposed to eliminate — a drain on the finances of the defendants.

The Principals of Urban Logic Consultants, recognized by the judge as public officials and Directors of Planning, Public Works, and Economic Development for the City of Beaumont , had liens placed and their property and yet refused to pay Beaumont Citizens For Responsible Growth for another two years.

Urban Logic Consultants is a Dummy Corporation created in 1993 by Beaumont Executive Officers David Dillon, Ernest Egger, and Deepak Moorjani. Urban Logic Consultants took over the City’s Sewer Facilities, Planning, Public Works, and Economic Development Departments and used their Government Positions to gift all Contracts to Urban Logic, which is a violation of California State Laws.

By inducing growth Urban Logic Consultants has increased Beaumont ’s population from 8,000 to 40,000, but most of the Bond Funds, Mitigation Fees, and Taxes collected were embezzled and the City’s infrastructure was never built.

In 2014 the Western Riverside Council of Governments won a $42 Million Judgment against the City of Beaumont for failure to remit their TUMF(Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee). In his Ruling Judge Chaffee specifically named Urban Logic Consultant Principals and declared: “Fraud by Clear and Convincing Evidence”.

State Agencies have mandated that the City of Beaumont complete over $200 Million in Infrastructure Projects including Three (3) Fire Stations, a Title 22 Compliant Recycled Water Facility, Brine Disposal System, and overhaul the Sewer Lines.

The City has no funds to complete the State mandated Infrastructure Projects or pay Lawsuits.

Although the Principals of Urban Logic Consultants, David Dillon, Ernest Egger, and Deepak Moorjani, have distanced themselves from the Company; the men are still receiving Revenue from the City and Urban Logic still controls Beaumont’s Sewer Facilities, Planning, and Economic Development Departments.