Roger Berg Testifies that Government Officials Used Their Positions to Target Private Citizens

We Got It Berg: Local, County, and State Officials Are Using Their Government Positions to Attack Private Citizens.

Below is the Transcript from the July 5, 2015 Beaumont City Council Meeting when Roger Berg states that he has used Government Agencies to target the Binghams’ Small Business and wants to continue the practice even after he’s the Beaumont Citizens voted him out of Office.

We got it Berg; Beaumont is a dirty Town in a dirty County.

We have enough evidence to lock you and your buddies up for the rest of your lives.

We got it. You don’t have to repeat yourself any more. We got more than enough to file Complaints with the State and Federal Attorney General’s Office and to file a big sweet lawsuit on you, every individual fool that joined you, and every Government Agency that was involved in using their Government Positions to conspire to harass, intimidate, and violate an American Citizen’s 4th Amendment Rights.

We got it Berg, but you go call up your buddies Chuck Griffin, Mike Lara, and Chandra Thomas and tell how you have documented over and over that the County and State were summoned by you personally to target Judy Bingham and not because the Government Officials were following procedure or conducting scheduled visits.

Summoned by Roger Berg personally to target Judy Bingham and not because the Government Officials were following procedure or conducting scheduled visits.

Beaumont City Council Transcript July 7, 2015

37:25 Roger Berg, 1169 Euclid Blvd, Beaumont. I’m speaking as a private citizen. I just want to bring up a few facts here. Some statements have been made earlier by Mrs. Bingham about the City Attorney that’s not true.

I turned her in to the Regional Board myself as a private citizen because she was contaminating the ground water down there. I’m working in the engineering services and water management and I was at that meeting back in December up there at the – and she spoke. She was very rude to a scientist from UCR saying that the spikes in there were not there they were caused by the City and actually they were coming from pollutants coming off her property.

She was – they had to get an administrative warrant because she wouldn’t let the federal officials on her property and the State went in there and they issued a citation, it was in the newspaper, told her to clean her property up.

And I’d just like to report also that I don’t know, but maybe we ought to, someone should get a hold of the State again to make sure they are checking up on their best management practices because I happen to drive by there the other day and I noticed that she doesn’t have any rolls up there to control the runoff from her property and we’ve got the rain coming up probably in August the storms come in and we want to make sure our ground water stays clean and her nursery operation was in violation and we want to make sure that it stays clean so it doesn’t contaminate our ground water.”