Riverside County Planning Needs Another Two Weeks to Release San Gorgonio Warehouse Records

Backup Documents of an Open File just created last week Should be at the County Planning Department’s Finger Tips, but They are Not.

Below is the Public Record’s Request made to the Riverside County Planning Department on May 30, 2017. The County has responded with the need for another two weeks because: “it appears the records you have requested require the Responding Department to search for, collect, and examine a large amount of records.”

The Records are part of an active EIR that was just created in the last month after the last forged EIR was chewed up and spit out. The Backup Documentation should be right on Dawson’s desk.
Refusing or delaying the release of public records is nothing compared to Forging government records, but it does prove intent and collusion.

Brett Dawson, Project Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 955-0972

Public Record Request :
Name, Job Title, and Education Background of any/all Elected and Appointed Riverside County Officials that participated in the creation of the San Gorgonio Crossing EIR No. 534 released on May 26, 2017.

Documentation of all monies received from any sources on behalf of the Gorgonio Crossing EIR No. 534 from the time of conception to Present.

All Checks/Automatic Debits paid to Lawyers, Consultants, and/or Contributors paid by Riverside County that participated in EIR No. 534 from Conception to Present. Documentation should include, but not limited to Checks, Invoices, and Backup Documentation to justify the expenditure.

All communication to/from any/all Riverside County Elected and Appointed Officials regarding EIR No. 534 from January 1, 2017 to Present. All communication should include, but not limited to Emails, Note, Memos, Meeting Schedules, and Text Messages, and communication to other government agencies including by not limited to Riverside County Building and Safety and the Riverside County Board of Supervisors.

All documents, data, and backup generated to produce the ‘conclusions’ derived in the San Gorgonio Crossing EIR No. 534 by the ‘Experts’ including, but not limited to:
FirstCarbon Solutions
Urban Crossroads
Helix Environmental
Ginter and Associates
Neblett and Associates
Hunsaker and Associates
Kosmont Companies
Urban Environs
Webb and Associates