RFP: Treatment Plant Expansion/Salt Mitigation Project

RFP: Treatment Plant Expansion/Salt Mitigation Project

Public Works Department
Amer Jakher, Director of Public Works/City Engineer

Proposals Due By:
Thursday, May 5, 2016

It was the Year 1990: The City of Beaumont is contemplating allowing Housing Developments, which would mean they would have to build a Title 22 Compliant Recycled Water Facility.

A Request for Proposal was issued to conduct a Feasibility Study.

26 years and $70 Million later: In order to appear as though the City of Beaumont is attempting to fulfill the State Water Quality Control Board’s January 1, 2020 deadline to Expand the Sewer Plant and build a Salt Removal/Brine Disposal System.

Title 22 Complaint Recycled Water Deadline has come and gone too many times to count.

The Purpose of the 2016 RFP:

1. Analyze and evaluate feasibility of alternatives for WWTP expansion and brine removal and disposal, and development of a recycled water program as described in the scope of work.

2. Prepare a Project Description for CEQA Study.

3. Prepare an AACE Class 4 Engineering Cost Estimate and OM&M projections for the proposed alternatives

The City just paid for a phony feasibility report a few years ago – it’s what they used to create their schedule for the State Water Quality Control Board.

The results of the ‘feasibility study’ is that it’s not feasible.

It’s not physically feasible to build the facility in the current location.
A plant that size must be in an isolated area like Yucaipa’s Wastewater Plant.

It’s not financially feasible – period.
Beaumont’s past City Councilmen allowed all of the Taxes, Mitigation Fees, and Bond Funds collected to be stolen by Lawyers and Consultants.

Beaumont’s current City Councilmen allow all of the Taxes, Mitigation Fees, and Bond Funds collected to be stolen by Lawyers and Consultants.

And how much will this phony feasibility study cost the Citizens of Beaumont?


Whatever the cost – Beaumont City Councilmen will pay it. It will be another ‘valuable tool’ that they can ignore after it’s created like the State Controllers’ Report and the 2015 Audit.

Read Full RFP Here: http://www.ci.beaumont.ca.us/DocumentCenter/View/27354