RFP: Beaumont Bond Counsel

By: Libi Uremovic | Original Article at patch.com

What happened to the Bond Counsel that was already gifted the job?

After announcing that the City of Beaumont had gifted the position of Bond Counsel; the City has issued a Request for Proposals to hire another Bond Counsel.

McFarlin and Associates was the City of Beaumont Bond Counsel from 1993 until right after the four (4) 2015 Series Bonds were issued. Then McFarlin, like Rod Gunn and every other crook listed on the Bonds except Urban Logic, slithered away.

Every Elected and Appointed Official and Every Contractor, Lawyer, and Consultant will be held criminally liable and civilly liable.

I suggest that Beaumont Council make their Contract labor choices based on how deep the company’s pockets are.

Read More Here: http://www.ci.beaumont.ca.us/DocumentCenter/View/26933