Public Records Request 90 Days Over Due – RELEASE THE RECORDS!

By: Libi Uremovic , October 15, 2013 | Original Article at

On July 18 a Public Records Request was submitted to the City of Beaumont for ALL of the Bond Fund Accounts held by Union Bank Trustee Stephen Boughton for the last six (6) Bonds issued to the City.

Upon examination of the Bond Fund Accounts presented by the City it has been revealed that there are additional Bond Fund Accounts that are hidden. These accounts – known as the ’07 Accounts’ are being used to funnel millions of dollars in and out of the Bond Fund Accounts.

It is speculated that the City is hiding the 07 Bond Fund Accounts because they will show illegal transactions. The legality of the transactions are not the concern of the People.

These accounts were requested 90 days ago and have yet to be released. The law in the State of California demands that all Public Records are released within ten (10) days from receipt of the Public Records Request.

Enclosed is a check for $95 to cover the cost of the missing 07 Bond Fund Accounts. Immediate Release of the Records is Expected and Required by Law in the State of California.

Release the Records.