No Bond Debt Without Voter Approval

By: Libi Uremovic, July 13, 2014| Original Article at

At the last Beaumont Council meeting there was a parade of speakers from the Beaumont Cherry Valley Recreation and Park District regarding their want/need of more baseball fields Tuesday’s City Council Agenda is a letter from the Parks and Recreation Department stating that the Park District wants to purchase property to build baseball, softball, and soccer fields, trails, parking, roadway improvements, fishing pond, RV park, open space, community gardens, tennis courts, event center, par course, and expand emergency base camp operations.

The letter further states: “A Regional Park Impaction Fee via a CFD on new homes only could be a viable choice in lei[u] of a new tax.”

Incorrect. CFDs can not be used to fund regional projects. CFD funds can only be used on the specific improvement area for which the property liens are attached.

If the Parks and Recreation District want to incur bond debt the funding must be approved by all of the Voters within region that the District serves. Government bonds must have a repayment source of either Taxes or Fees to ensure the repayment of the bond. ‘Future Property Owners’ is not a legal source of revenue.

The City has over $300 Million in property liens attached to Beaumont homeowners with the promise of facilities that were never completed, but all of the money is gone. This is nothing more than another attempt to acquire bond debt without voter approval.

The sad reality is that the City Manger, Finance Director, and City Attorney have always acquired bond debt illegally, so they have no idea how to operate within California State Law.

Traditionally; the land for parks and ball fields is donated to the community, not purchased. If the community decides they will accept the responsibility for the property they have find funding to pay for the labor and utilities, not to mention any construction desired.

In a democracy there is nothing ‘free’. Every penny comes from the taxpayer. If the people that play baseball want more baseball fields they need to find a way to pay for their wants.

Since the Parks and Recreation District has decided they would also like to incur bond debt it would be wise if the citizenry reviewed their books:


A Copy of the General Ledger, Monthly Statements from all Financial Institutions, and Employee Roster.