Nancy Carroll Explains Pro-Warehouses in Beaumont Stance

The Founder of ‘No Way Gateway’ is NOT Against Warehouse, only Spot Zoning. Lloyd White Plays Dumb.

At last night’s Beaumont City Council Meeting the Potrero Interchange was unanimously approved.

Below is the Transcript where Judy asked Nancy Carroll why she’s voting for millions of square feet of warehouses in Beaumont.

Apparently Nancy Carroll is NOT against warehouse, only spot zoning.

First of all; they are wrong – Area 4 was zoned Residential, not industrial, so they have changed the General Plan..

But more important – the General Plan was written by crooks.

It also states that the City would/could steal TUMF fees from the WRCOG and that the City has a Recycled Water facility.

The Residential in Heartland Area 5 is going to be low-income housing – 1,000 welfare house.

Beaumont City Council Transcript May 16, 2017:

2:05:00 Judy Bingham: I’d like to ask Nancy Carroll why she’s all for these Warehouses in Beaumont and does she know the definition of ‘Hypocrite’?

2:08:00 Nancy Carroll: I’d like to ask the City Manager: Are we proposing any Warehouse activity that is considered not properly zoned? Would this be ‘Spot Zoning’ to put these Warehouse in place? You know, Spot Zoning would be surrounded by changing the residential property in the middle of other residentially zoned property?

City Manager Todd Parton: The land has to be developed in accordance with the City’s General Plan. So you’ve got Residential established where the Heartland Project is, you’ve got a mixed-use Village Center on the other side of Potrero which could have some mixture of Warehousing and Industrial there. Then you’ve got; really the primary use for the Commercial/Industrial which is on the south side of highway 60.

2:09:00 Carroll: But these are all adjacent and properly zoned based on the General Plan?

Parton: Right. It would be land use pattern would be consistent with the General Plan.

Carroll: So this doesn’t have a similarity to any Warehouses that would be considered ‘Spot Zoning’ and not compliant with the General Plan?

Parton: That’s correct, it would all be consistent.

2:10: 00 White: Do we have a Warehouse District Planned? I keep hearing that in conversations. Is there an actual District for Warehouses?

Parton: No. On the General Plan there’s a land use; that designation on the south side of Hwy 60 where you can do Commercial/Industrial. You can do Warehouses in that Area, in that section down there.

White: Can you do Commercial/Industrial on the north side of the Hwy 60 as the General Plan stands?

Parton: One of the key issues in that area is that we have our Affordable Housing, which has to be met in that area. So we’ve got High-Density Residential that needs to occur in that center, it’s an important part of our Housing Element, so that’s critical for us.

2:11:00 Parton: The land has to be compatible with the Residential uses there. So you’ve got some Commercial and there’s already a little bit of Commercial and Industrial in that area. As you go down towards the southeast portion.

White: And have we Approved or by moving forward with these MOUs are we automatically approving any specific warehouse projects?

Parton: No.

White: What happens, we’re in the middle of starting our General Plan Update, what happens if through that process, as a community, we decide to change the Zoning and maybe the Zoning on the south side of the 60 is no longer Zoned for Commercial/Industrial? That doesn’t have an effect on the Potrero Project, correct?

‘What happens’ is whatever the Developers want to happen, so why pretend?