Mayor Knight Attempts to Defraud Public Again

At the October 6, 2015 Council Meeting Mayor Brenda Knight Prompts Wildermuth to Lie About Recycled Water.

By: Libi Uremovic | Original Article at

Beaumont Mayor Brenda Knight: And you know what; sometimes you’re technical, so I should pose this to you as I would my husband. Actually recycled water. The definition; your definition of recycled water.

Libi: Title 22 Compliant – that is the State definition.

Knight: Please disregard that. Your definition of recycled water. Coming out of the plant; we’ve had for years compliant with the State, but I think there’s confusion over that.

204:00 Wildermuth: Well, you know there’s sort of technical and then there’s legal definitions. I think that if you’re taking wastewater and treating it acceptable to a reuse I think you’d call it recycled water from a very practical, behavioral way. You have been recharging, since recently, at that DP007, the unnamed tributary at Marshall Creek, a lot of water. And that is recharged into that Basin and that is part of the yield, unfortunately, of the Basin of existing right-holders. You can’t claim title to it, for whatever reason, the Watermaster – it has nothing to do with Title 22 compliance, it has to do with being dealt with administratively.

205:00 Wildermuth: So I would say that you have been recycling and when you send that water down stream to meet an aquarian habitat you’re meeting your discharge requirements from a chemistry and biological properties effective; that’s recycled water too, it’s just getting a different use. It’s not the most financially beneficial use to you, but it is a beneficial use. You’re not killing fish down there, those fish are living because you treat the water in a certain way that you don’t put chlorine in it. So I’d say that you’ve been recycling all along. Maybe some technicalities and definitions related to the law, but you have been recycling.

White: Can we put that in the purple pipes?

Wildermuth: You can when you’ve passed this validation for unrestricted irrigation uses and that, I think, is just around the corner for you now.