Mark Thomas Co. Wired $22,000 BEFORE Council Approved Potrero Project

Jimmy Sims, Ernie Egger’s Classmate, Works for Mark Thomas Co.


On August 16, 2016, the Beaumont City Council Approved to Continue the Potrero Interchange.

Beaumont City Council also Approved violating State Open Bid Contract Laws by proclaiming the building of Potrero was ‘an emergency’. (They’ve got to steal as much money as they can before the Feds lock them up and throw away the key)

Also included in the ’emergency’ is hiring the Mark Thomas Co. who submitted the EIR to CalTrans.

Mark Thomas employes Jimmy Sims, who went to College with Ernie Egger.

Council Approved the Project at 7:00 pm on August 16th.

Mark Thomas was wired $22,742.00 on August 16th.

The City Manager is authorized to pay up to $10,000 without Council’s Approval.

Not only did ‘Staff’ not wait for Council’s Approval of the Project before hiring Sims, Staff had already paid Mark Thomas Co. before the Council Meeting started.

And of course City Treasurer Nancy Carroll signed the Check Warrant because to her it ‘looks good’.