March Bond Fund Accounts – Union Bank funneled another $285,523 to Urban logic on March 9th

By: Libi Uremovic | Original Article at

The Bond Fund Accounts show how much money is available to the City for construction. The March Bond Fund Accounts list $10.3 Million in funds aside from the Reserves Funds.

The March Bond Fund Accounts also show that Union Bank funneled another $285,523 to Urban logic on March 9th. The money was funneled from the 2013 Series A Bond Account #6712022405 in two separate transactions.

The memo says Potrero, but the money was transferred to Urban Logic on March 9th and Council didn’t vote to gift another $800,000 for Potrero until March 17th.

The March Bond Fund Accounts can be viewed here:

The transaction showing Union Bank funneling money to Urban Logic is on page 867/922.