June 2018 – Beaumont City Council Meeting: What did We Learn?

The Police Association is Mad as Hell and have Packed the Room Again

June 19, 2018 Beaumont City Council Meeting Watch Live: https://www.youtube.com/user/T…

Lots on the Agenda tonight, Illegal Sewer Fee Increase, Fraudulent 2017 Audit, and a $100 Million 2018/2019 Budget for a town with a $16 Million General Fund Revenue.

It’s 6:15 and the City Council has yet to enter the packed Chambers. Most of the seats and the people standing are here to support the Police Association’s efforts, but some are here for the Sewer Fee Increase.

City Attorney Pinkney justifies setting rules for submitting Sewer Fee Opposition Letters after thousands of protest letters had already been submitted. Council decided that it’s too corrupt of a move even for them and votes to table the item.

After City Clerk Nicole Acosta Wheelwright proclaimed the Opposition Letters invalid; Lloyd White happily Motioned to Approve New Sewer Rates in order to finance a $171 Million Bond.

In the Budget Presentation Finance Director Melana Taylor claimed that money has been held in special funds ‘for years’. Taylor forgot that the City overdrew its checking account TWICE in 2011.