Help Wanted: 6 Months Later

By: Libi Uremovic | Original Article at

Agenda Item 8.j. stats that ‘Staff’ began working on a job descriptions after the Budget was adopted on September 15, 2015. The jobs are:

Accounting Technician
Administrative Services Director
Deputy City Clerk
Finance Director
Public Works Director/Engineer
Senior Accountant
Transit Director

The Positions of City Manager and City Attorney are not on the list.

Beaumont City Council blindly turned over their Budget to Consultants without any direction. The 2016 Budget has no funding for a Deputy City Clerk salary, only $900/year for Julio Martinez.

A City with the population of 40,000 should have a Finance Director and at least two (2) Accountants on staff. Because of the criminal activity former Finance Director Bill Aylward was the only accountant. The City of Beaumont has not had an Accountant on staff since Aylward slithered out on May 1, 2015, and has relied solely on temp agencies and Consultants.

Reports of when former Public Works Director/Engineer Deepak Moorjani slithered out of town vary from March 31st to April 22nd, the day of the FBI Raids. Council Approved the hiring of a Public Works Director in June, 2015, but the job was never advertised or filled.

City ‘staff’ claim that it will take 4-6 months to fill the positions, which is a lie.

For 20 years the City of Beaumont’s Executive positions have been held by crooks. The crooks slithered out of town six months ago, but none of their positions have been filled. Putting the jobs on the Agenda is nothing more than another ruse by the same Staff.

There is a horrible reason why Council refuses to hire adequate staff to operate the City.