‘Council Approves’ Million Dollar Contract to ULC

Never Again Can the Beaumont City Council Claim they are Not Funneling Money to the Same Crooks.

In 1995 Urban Logic Consultants formed ‘Urban Logic Services’ to funnel money out of Beaumont’s Sewer Plant.

When Urban Logic Services had to go into hiding they changed the name to ‘Aquarion’.

When Aqarion had to go into hiding they changed the name on ‘Utility Partners’.

On February 20, 2018, Beaumont City Council Approved a Million Dollar Contract to Utility Partners: https://beaumont.civicweb.net/document/11949/Item%2016.pdf?handle=E080412FCCCB4230B173C18248C37261

I gave every Beaumont City Councilmen a copy of the Invoices showing that Utility Partners is Urban Logic and blew up the Invoices into Posters to ensure the Invoices were recorded on the Camera.

‘Council Approve’ 5/0

But next time, next time for sure the Beaumont City Council isn’t going to funnel any more money to Urban Logic.

Next time for sure.