Beaumont’s Portion of Potrero I: $12,296,000

Total Cost of Phase I Potrero Interchange is $25,740,000. Also Approved for $13,444,000 Federal Funding REIMBURSEMENTS for Valid Invoices

On August , 2017, Beaumont City Council Approved an Funding Amendment to the Potrero Interchange.

The total estimated cost of Phase I Potrero Interchange is $25,740,000.

Beaumont’s cost is estimated at $12,296,000.

The City of Beaumont has been approved for up to $13,444,000 in Federal Funding REIMBURSEMENTS if the City can submit factual Invoices for actual construction.

The Amendment Agreement further states that Beaumont will pay for all additional costs.

Councilman Lloyd White signed the document, but White is repeating what Public Works Director Amer Jakher said – and Jakher lies about everything, but that’s not an excuse for White to not know the truth.

In December the City deposited another $3 Million into the Potrero Bank Account, but I have yet to learn of the source.

Phase II of the Potrero Interchange will cost the City $44 Million with no Funding available. The City has ‘promised’ to complete the second Phase in 2020.