Beaumont Sewer Timeline 1993 to Present

Tracking a Quarter Century of Fraud and Embezzlement that Continue to this Day.

The following series of emails will contain a summary Audit of Beaumont’s Sewer Plant. The Requisitions released by the City of Beaumont can be viewed on beaumontgate;

In the early 1990’s the population of Beaumont was 10,000. The City was attempting to bring in a 2,212 unit Housing Development with Commercial and Light Industrial, but the City had no Water or Sewer to accommodate the Development. The City’s only natural water resource is 42% of the water supply in the Beaumont Basin.

The first hired in Beaumont was the Law Firm of Aklufi Wysocki and Finance Director William Aylward. The City then hired ‘Trans-Pacific Consultants’, which employed Dave Dillon, Ernest Egger, and Dennis Janda.

In 1929 the City of Beaumont built their Sewer Plant and installed clay pipes in part of the original town. By 1993 the State Water Quality Control Board was demanding the City close down the old Plant and build a NEW PLANT because the Plant was at the end of its useful life and had repeated water quality violations.

California Government Code 66473.7. (a) requires a 20-year water supply before the Purveyor can issue a ‘Will-Serve’ Letter. In 1993 the City of Beaumont and the Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District signed an Illegal Agreement that the Water District would Issue ‘Unlimited Will-Serve Letters’ in exchange for Recycled Water to supplement the additional water use.

By the time the 1993 Sewer Bond was written in August, 1993, Urban Logic Consultants was listed on the Bond as ‘Project Manager’ and Trans-Pacific Consultants was listed as ‘Civil Engineer’. Alan Kapanicas was listed as ‘Interim Director of Administrative Services’, but GGMS was not listed on the Bond. Deepak Moorjani ,ULC, signed every Requisition since 1993 as Beaumont’s Public Works Manager.

The $8,500,000 Bond was acquired in 1993 to: “construct new waste water treatment facilities” and to “comply with new water quality standards”.

The City was to build 1.0 MGD new capacity for the existing sewer users and an additional .4 MGD capacity for the planned 2,212 houses in CFD 93-1.

Every Executive Officer in the City of Beaumont was profiting from the Bonds and Construction:

William Aylward: Finance Director, Principal of MOKRAY (Moody Construction), William Aylward, CPA.

Law Firm of Aklufi Wysocki: Dave Wysocki: Yucaipa Valley Water District Counsel; Joe Aklufi: Beaumont City Attorney, STWMA Counsel, Watermaster Counsel.

James Gregg: Risk Manager, Principal of General Government Management Services (GGMS).

Alan Kapanicas: City Manager, Principal of GGMS

Ernest Egger: Planning Director, Principal of Urban Logic Consultants (ULC).

Dave Dillon: Economic Development Director, Principal of Urban Logic Consultants (ULC).

Deepak Moorjani: Public Works Director, Principal of Urban Logic Consultants (ULC).

Jim Love: Planning Commissioner, Building Inspector, Principal of Beaumont Electric.

Dennis Janda: City Surveyor, ULC Employee, now paid directly by City.

Rebecca Deming: Former ULC Employee, became Planning Director when Egger went into hiding.

Kyle Warsinski: Former ULC Employee, became Economic Development and Public Works Director when Dillon and Moorjani went into hiding.

Utility Partners: Originally Urban Logic Consultants, then Urban Logic Services, then Aquarion.

Gerard Thibeault: Former Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Executive Officer, Father-in-Law of Timothy Wildermuth.

Kurt Berchtold: Current Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Executive Officer.

Hisam Baqai: Former Supervising Engineer for the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board during Erin Brockovich Water Contamination scandal, former ULC Employee, then hidden in Willdan Engineering.

Stephen Boughton: Former Union Bank Trust Department VP, oversaw the acquisition of $2 Billon Municipal Bonds without Voter Approval.

In an email dated December 2, 2009, Kapanicas stated: “In 1989 another ‘contractor consultant firm’ spent 100% of the $3.5M sewer project money to design and determine that the City would need another $12M to actually build the plant. The City, with ULC’s help, designed and built a better sewer plant in 1995 for $6M total.”

Beaumont did not close down the original sewer plant and build 1.4 MGD of new Capacity. The City simply added .4 MGD Capacity to the old Capacity, which is the reason the City has continued to have problems with the Plant. The City has been fined multiple times for SCAQMD and EPA Violations because they are still using the original 1929 Sewer Plant.

01/30/2017: Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Executive Officer Kurt Berchtold sent Libi Uremovic b.s. Letter. “..the City’s Facility produces tertiary equivalent of treated water and disinfected recycled water which is consistent with Title 22 requirements.”

“tertiary equivalent of treated water”

STWMA Project Committee One (PC 1) Work Product for Fiscal Year July 1, 2005 thru June 30, 2006

Task Group A: Groundwater Development in the Beaumont South Basin. “…to determine the feasibility of pumping groundwater from the Beaumont South Basin in the vicinity of Cooper’s Creek (Bingham Property groundwater) and downstream from the Beaumont Recycled Water Plant.”

The City of Beaumont embezzled all the money. There is no Machinery and/or Equipment to produce “tertiary equivalent of treated water and disinfected recycled water which is consistent with Title 22 requirements.”

The City is either falsifying the water quality test results or the City is producing “tertiary equivalent of treated water” by diluting wastewater with potable water stolen from the Bingham Property and other Overlyers in the South Beaumont Basin with the State Water Quality Control Board’s knowledge and consent.

I demand a Cease and Desist Order on the City of Beaumont Sewer Plant until it is confirmed exactly how the City is able to produce “tertiary equivalent of treated water”.


03/08/1993: Cooperative Agreement between City of Beaumont and Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District to establish Mitigation Fees and for the Water District to provide Unlimited Will-Serve Letters in Exchange for Recycled Water within 18 Months of CFD Bond Acquisition. (1/27/1994)

04/08/1993: Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Director Gerard Thibeault issued letter to City of Beaumont regarding Compliance with Waste Discharge Requirements. “In each phase, a portion (.25 ‘mgd) of the existing capacity at the treatment plant will be replaced by new facilities and an increment (.25 ‘mgd) of new capacity will be added.”

04/27/1993: RWQCB Director Thibeault issued followup letter to City regarding Submittal of time Schedule for sewage Treatment Plant Upgrades. “We wish to reiterate that the City’s waste discharge requirements call for all discharges to surface waters or surface water courses to be treated to a tertiary level, and meet specified limitations for total inorganic nitrogen and ammonia. The City has not complied with these requirements and has no apparent means to do so in the foreseeable future.”

07/02/1993: Ernest Egger files Negative Declaration for Sewer Upgrades and Expansion.

08/31/1993: Beaumont Financing Authority acquires $8,500,000 Bond for Sewer Enterprise Project.

12/27/1993: Beaumont City Council Awards Parametrix $22,000 Contract to prepare Title 22 Engineering Report for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion.


01/27/1994: City of Beaumont acquires a $10,290,000 CFD Bond to finance the construction of 2,212 houses predicated on the completion of a new Wastewater Treatment Facility Recycled Water by March, 1995.

03/11/1994: SWQCB Adopts Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin listing on page 2.2 “The Reclamation Policy recognizes the present and future need for increased amounts of water in California, primarily to support growth.”


07/31/1996: 1996 Sewer Bond $7,510,000 Refinancing the 1993 Sewer Bond. GGMS was listed with Kapanicas also listed as City Manager. ULC was listed and David Dillon as Beaumont’s Director of Economic Development. 1996 Bond stated: “Construction of facilities funded by the 1993 Bonds was started during the winter of 1993 and was completed in the spring of 1995.”


10/11/1997: Beaumont City Council Approves Ordinance No. 775 requiring the use of Recycled Water in accordance with State Laws. “In lieu of discharging effluent to the creek, the City and BCVWD have agreed to implement a water recycling project. The City will operate the treatment facility and deliver treated water to the BCVWD for recycling. The BCVWD will own and operate the recycled water pumping stations, storage reservoirs, and distribution piping.”


11/19/1998: SWQCB Awards Beaumont $75,000 Grant for a “Stage I Wastewater Recycling Project facilities planning study” with an original deadline of 08/01/1999 extended to 08/01/2000 and 06/01/2002 before deadline and accountability disappears.


01/04/1999: Limited Hydrogeologic Investigation Report sent to RWQCB from Christopher Krall, Principal with Beaumont Finance Director Bill Aylward in ‘MOKRAY’ (Moody Construction) signed as Urban Logic Consultants Consulting Geologist.


05/19/2000: State Board Issues Order No. 00-10 NPDES No. 80000101 according to Board Minutes. Complaint No. R8-2007-0032 references 05/19/2000 Order as NPDEs No. CA0105376.

08/01/2000: Wildermuth paid $3,178.30 from City of Beaumont Check No. 34494.


08/14/2001: City receives $9,790,000 Wastewater Bond with Union Bank as Credit Entity. Page 45 of the 2001 Wastewater Bond states: “The Beaumont Wastewater Reclamation Facility (“BWRA”) was constructed in 1994. BWRA was designed to treat 1.5 million gallons per day (“Mgd”) of wastewater to a “tertiary” level and is currently being expanded to treat 2.0 Mgd of effluent per day. The expansion is expected to be completed by September, 2002. The tertiary treated wastewater generated by the facility complies with all Title 22 and State Regional Water Quality Control Board discharge requirements. On May 19, 2000, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board issued a new permit for treatment up to 2.0 Mgd of effluent per day.”

12/01/2001: STWMA is Created (San Timoteo Water Management Authority)

2002: Beaumont Population: 13,100

Union Bank becomes Bond Trustee. Pardee Homes joins the City. Beaumont grows from 13,000 to 43,000 and acquires over $250 Million in CFD Bonds without submitting an EIR, having an adequate Water Supply, obtaining a valid Permit or Inspection, with no planning, without adequate Roadways, and without building any Fire Stations or a Recycled Water Facility.

04/02/2002: $10,635,000 Series A Bond Money acquired for Pardee Homes Area 8. Transfers to 2001 Wastewater Bond Fund Accounts and to STWMA from Beaumont’s CFD Bond Fund Accounts begin.

2003: Beaumont Population: 15,300

Total CFD Bonds Acquired: $32,350,000

02/20/2003: STWMA files RIC 389197 to Overdraft the Beaumont Basin and create the Beaumont Basin Watermaster.

06/16/2003: Nitrogen TDS Task Force states that the Santa Ana Quality Control Board needs $70,000 FY 2003-2004. Money paid from Beaumont CFD 2003 A Bond Construction Fund Requisition #5.

10/14/2003: ‘Coalition of Agencies’ approve Funding for Wildermuth to conduct Watershed Monitoring and Nitrogen Loss Monitoring.

2004: Beaumont Population 17,900

CFD Bonds Acquired: $42,230,000

01/22/2004: State Water Quality Control Board Issued R8-2004-0001 Maximum Benefit Objectives.

02/04/2004: STWMA Wins Case No. RIC 389197 creating Watermaster and allowing for the Overdraft of the Beaumont Basin for 10 years.

02/10/2004: First Watermaster Meeting. “Member Butcher made an initial motion that Mr. Schlange, Mr. Wildermuth, and Mr. Aklufi continue in their current roles to develop Water.”

02/24/2004: Watermaster Awards Wildermuth Environmental $153,100 Contract “for services to support the Beaumont Basin Watermaster subject to transfer of budgets from STWMA to Watermaster…”

04/22/2004 South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Issued Notices of Violation #s P32467, P32468, and P32469 to City of Beaumont Sewer Plant

05/06/2004: Rick Gluck of SCAQMD reports Urban Logic Principals’ Conflict of Interest.

06/08/2004: San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency (SGPWA) submitted letter to Watermaster regarding Safe Yield.

11/20/2004: ULC Exhibits ‘Black Bear Valve’

From 2005 to 2013 former Finance Director William Aylward recorded a total of $60,504,918.49 that was embezzled thru the 2001 Wastewater Bond on the City’s Financial Statements as ‘Sewer Machinery and Equipment’.

2005: Beaumont Population 20,000

CFD Bonds Acquired: $49,760,000

01/01/2005: $1,361,092.90 in Sewer Machinery & Equipment plugged into Financial Statements to account for money transferred from Bond Fund Accounts to Urban Logic Consultants.

04/15/2005: State Water Board Approves STWMA Maximum Benefit Monitoring Program.

08/10/2005: STWMA letter to Gerald Thibeaut starts ‘Blue Baby’ scam in Cherry Valley.

08/16/2005: STWMA PC 1 Committee formed.

2006: Beaumont Population 25,860

CFD Bonds Acquired: $ 21,330,000

01/01/2006: $22,347,928.00 in Sewer Machinery & Equipment plugged into Financial Statements to account for money funneled to Urban Logic Consultants.

01/18/2006: State Water Board Issues Order No. R8-2006-0003 NPDES No. CA0105376

NPDES Permit renewal to discharge up to 4 MGD of tertiary treated wastewater and to use recycled water which “..shall only commence after final approval for such use is granted by the California Department of Health Services (CDHS).” Never happened. Wildermuth and Urban Logic represent City of Beaumont.

07/06/2006: Wildermuth Environmental publishes Report ‘Water Quality Impacts from On-Site Waste Disposal Systems in the Cherry Valley Community of Interest’.

11/21/2006: Beaumont City Council Approves Resolution No. 2006-73 Increasing Sewer Fees Without Voter Approval to “..proceed with the planning, regulatory permitting, design and construction of facilities required to treat an additional 6.12 million gallons per day of wastewater for the City of Beaumont and the BCVWD including the addition of 250,000 gallons per day of salt removal facilities to mitigate impacts on the groundwater basin from septic systems.”

12/05/2006: MOU to sell Beaumont Sewer Plant to BCV Water District for $1.00 so the BCVWD could sewer Cherry Valley like the Eastern Municipal Water District did to Quail Valley. Never happened.

2007: Beaumont Population 29,600

CFD Bonds Acquired: $61,800,000

05/22/2007: State Board Issues Compliant No. R8-2007-0032 after “37 Reported Violations between September 2003 and July 2006.”

05/29/2007: Wildermuth Environmental submits Engineering Report for Beaumont’s Title 22 Compliant Recycled Water.

06/07/2007: Former Beaumont City Manager Alan Kapanicas sends letter to former Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District Chuck Butcher confirming the City will provide Reclaimed Water to the Water District.

06/26.2007: STWMA Approves participation in the SARI Brine Line. Schlange requests the YVWD include two million gallons of flow for the City of Beaumont.

07/31/2007: Riverside County Supervisors Approve Ordinance No. 871 Prohibiting the Installation of specified Septic Tank Systems in Cherry Valley based on forged Report by Wildermuth Environmental.

12/17/2007: State Department of Public Health responds to Wildermuth’s Engineering Report by listing 12 issues of Construction and/or Compliance that must be completed before the City can acquire Title 22 Compliant Recycled Water.

2008: Beaumont Population 32,300

CFD Bonds Acquired: $4,090,000

$14,869,744.35 Sewer Machinery & Equipment plugged into Financial Statements to account for money funneled to Urban Logic Consultants.

03/11/2008: Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Director Gerard Thibeault writes letter to Supervisor Ashley endorsing Wildermuth’s forged Blue Baby Scam Report targeting Cherry Valley.

03/18/2008: Riverside County Director of Environmental Health Gary Root writes letter to Supervisor Ashley endorsing Wildermuth’s forged Blue Baby Scam Report targeting Cherry Valley.

07/01/2008: Beaumont budgets $86 Million to Wastewater Treatment Facility.

07/01/2008: STWMA PC1 gifts $750,000 contract to Wildermuth Environmental to: “prepare Title 22 Report and Acquire Master Recycling Permit” and “SRF Loan Support”.

09/15/2008: State Water Board Approved BCVWD Recycled Water Facility Plan.

09/30/2008: STWMA Votes to Not Participate in SARI Line Extension to Beaumont leaving YVWD to bear entire costs “based on discussions with Staff, Engineers, Mr. Wildermuth, and Mr. Plinski [Wildermuth Employee] ..”

11/18/2008: State Water Quality Control Board sends letter of concern to BCVWD because of Grand Jury Investigation.

12/03/2008: YVWD Directors Vote to Withdraw from STWMA with position of Treasurer transferred to City of Beaumont after June 30, 2009.

12/12/2008 City of Beaumont letter to BCVWD affirming the City “..will make recycled water available to the BCVWD’s recycled water system and will not charge the District for the water”.

BCVWD Manager Chuck Butcher slithered away with a hefty payout at the end of 2008.

2009: Beaumont Population 33,500

CFD Bonds Acquired: $4,365,000

$8,484,751.63 Sewer Machinery & Equipment plugged into Financial Statements to account for money funneled to Urban Logic Consultants.

02/19/2009: STWMA Meeting, Schlange introduces Riverside County Representatives Shetler and Williams. STWMA BOARD Rejected Riverside County Application Into STWMA. Schlange calls members of public “Recalcitrants”.

03/18/2009: Thibeault letter to Supervisor Ashley promoting the Blue Baby Scam in Cherry Valley.

04/21/2009: City of Beaumont letter to Supervisor Ashley promoting the Blue Baby Scam in Cherry Valley.

04/22/2009: BCVWD Engineer Memo regarding Recycled Water situation with Beaumont.

05/19/2009: SGPWA, STWMA created MOU gifting ALL salinity dilution credits from YVWD, BCVWD, and South Mesa Water Company to the City of Beaumont.

06/15/2009: Blue Baby Scam debunked by Cherry Valley Evaluation Committee.

07/08/2009: State Water Board Approved ARRA Funds to BCVWD for ‘Purple Pipes’ to be installed.

08/28/2009: Santa Ana Regional Board Approved Amendment to Order No. R8-2006-0003 for Waste Discharge and Producer/User Water Recycling Requirements after deleting sentence: “A negative declaration for discharges from the new discharge points was certified on April 8, 2009.” Hisam Baqai and Wildermuth Environmental represented the City of Beaumont.

09/1/2009: Beaumont gifted Wildermuth no-bid Contract “…to complete work which was started under the STWMA PC 1 Committee.”

2010: Beaumont Population 37,300

CFD Bonds Acquired: None

$4,451,391.41 Sewer Machinery & Equipment plugged into Financial Statements to account for money funneled to Urban Logic Consultants.

04/15/2010: Watermaster Approved 8,000 acre-ft increase to their “existing storage account of 22,000 acre-ft.”

05/11/2010: Watermaster Meeting, Judy Bingham and other Citizens point out Aklufi and Dave Dillon’s Conflict of Interest and Wildermuth’s forged Reports. Aklufi and Dillon leave dais and stand by wall for remainder of Meeting, never to return.

05/19/2010: Santa Ana Regional Board Approves Renewal of Beaumont Waste Discharge of up to 2 MGD to tertiary treated wastewater into Cooper’s Creek.

06/30/2010: State Water Board Civil Liability Order No. R8-2010-0022 for eight violations and 132,000 gallon sewage spill.

08/17/2010: City of Beaumont withdraws from STWMA

State Rescinds ARRA Funds for Purple Pipes after Beaumont refuses to allow entrance into Sewer Plant.

10/21/2010: Kurt Berchtold wrote letter to Riverside County Supervisor Marion Ashley requesting the Ordinance prohibiting septic tanks in Cherry Valley be upheld and not Repealed.

2011: Beaumont Population 38,500

CFD Bonds Acquired: $12,145,000

$2,486,914.90 Sewer Machinery & Equipment plugged into Financial Statements to account for money funneled to Urban Logic Consultants.

09/06/2011: Beaumont City Council Approved Agenda Item 4.b. Collection of Recycled Water Facility Fee. “Collect the Facility Fee and Deposit such funds into an escrow account until January 1, 2012, at which time staff will bring this issue back to Council.”

10/12/2011: City letter to RWQCB claiming to have recycled water and blaming the BCWVD. : “The City’s most recent proposal was submitted to the BCVWD approximately two years ago and the City is still waiting for a credible response from the District. the City has been ready to complete negotiations and deliver recycle water to the BCVWD for many years and has even agreed to take the recycled water system over twice in the past when the BCVWD has expressed an unwillingness to proceed. The City has met all of the other obligations of the Cooperative Agreement.”

November, 2011: City of Beaumont Overdraft their General Fund Bank Account twice. Union Bank transferred money from CFD Bond Fund Accounts.

12/06/2011: Council Approves breaking Agreements with BCVWD over 15 acres of land to be used for Recharge Facilities along Noble Creek.

2012: Beaumont Population 39,300

CFD Bonds Acquired: $12,570,000

$2,577,842.21 Sewer Machinery & Equipment plugged into Financial Statements to account for money funneled to Urban Logic Consultants.

01/09/2012: BCVWD Letter to City of Beaumont regarding City Council Approval of Agenda Item 4(f) on 12/06/2011.

01/18/2012: Mike Lara, Riverside County Building and Safety Director, Issued “Storm Water Compliance Inspection to Bingham Property.”

01/23/2012: RWQCB issued Maximum Benefit for Beaumont Groundwater Management Zone. “Because the City of Beaumont has not proposed an acceptable maximum benefit program nor chosen to be an active participant in the YVWD proposal, Board Staff will recommend to the Regional Board that the City’s discharges be regulated pursuant to anti degradation objectives.”

01/25/2012: Santa Ana Water Board and Riverside County demand access to Bingham Wholesale Nursery located across Cooper’s Creek from Beaumont’s Sewer Plant.

05/11/2012 State Water Board issues Notice of Violation to Bingham’s Nursery for “Unpermitted Discharge of Pollutants”.

12/04/2012: Beaumont City Council Approves Salt Mitigation Facilities Fee Increase Without Voter Approval to “fund construction of approximately $60.23 Million in advanced treatment and desalination facilities.”

2013: Beaumont Population 40,400

CFD Bonds Acquired: $19,685,000

$2,291,354.45 Sewer Machinery & Equipment plugged into Financial Statements to account for money transferred from Bond Fund Accounts to Urban Logic Consultants.

01/15/2013: City Council Approved Rescinding all Agreements to provide Recycled Water to BCVWD.

11/18/2013: Judy Bingham hired Libi Uremovic to Audit City of Beaumont.

2014: Beaumont Population 42,277

CFD Bonds Acquired: None

$1,560,925.11 Sewer Machinery & Equipment plugged into Financial Statements to account for money funneled to Urban Logic Consultants.

04/15/2014: Wildermuth prepared b.s. Maximum Benefit Report for City of Beaumont with December 23, 2014 as RWQCB deadline for “non-potable water”.

09/10/2014: BCVWD Board Join YVWD to acquire Recycled Water.

09/16/2014: Beaumont City Council Approved $87,000 ‘Job Card’ to Urban Logic for UV Validation for Title 22 Compliance.

11/07/2014: Union Bank pulled Letter of Credit on Beaumont 2001 Wastewater Bond. City illegally transfers money from CFD Bonds to pay off Wastewater Bond.

11/19/2014: Wildermuth changes contact name on Beaumont Documents to State Water Quality Control Board from Urban Logic Principal Deepak Moorjani to Urban Logic Employee Kyle Warsinski.

04/22/2015: FBI and Riverside D.A. Office Raid City of Beaumont, Urban Logic Consultant’s Homes and Offices.

04/27/2015: Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Issued Mandatory Minimum Penalties for Violations of Order R8-2006-0003.

05/14/2015: City of Beaumont attempts phony ‘Open Contract Bid’ and allowed Wastewater Officials and Engineers to tour the City’s Sewer Plant.

07/07/2015: Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Engineer Mike Adackapara gives Beaumont City Council the runaround regarding Title 22 Compliant Recycled Water.

07/24/2015: RWQCB Approves Beaumont’s Discharge Order No. R8-2015-0026 on the pretense that the City would produce Title 22 Compliant Recycled Water by December 30, 2015.

09/04/2015: Wildermuth b.s. letter to City of Beaumont.

10/06/2015: Mark Wildermuth told Beaumont City Council that the Title 22 Report will be completed “ the end of December.”

11/20/2015: RWQCB letter to City regarding Capacity Violations.

11/30/2015: Joint Meeting of City of Beaumont, BCVWD, and YVWD to tour Yucaipa’s Recycled Water Facility and Discuss Regional Solution for Recycled Water.


04/19/2016 RWQCB Issued Notice of Capacity Violation after 11/20/2015 Letter was ignored.

07/05/2016: Beaumont City Council Approved Forged Utility Authority Financial Report.

07/19/2016: Webb and Associates Prepared Title 22 Engineering Report for Beaumont’s Sewer Plant listing the same Seven 7 Construction needs listed in the 2007 Title 22 Engineering Report.

08/25/2016: RWQCB Issued Order Directing Investigation of Beaumont Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity.

11/02/2016: Recycled Water Workshop. Morongo Band of Indians Tribal Chairman states that City has Agreement to give Tribe the Recycled Water and the Tribe wants the Recycled Water by the end of the year.

11/07/2016: Beaumont Mayor Mike Lara calls Special Meeting to Vote for City to ‘Go It Alone’ and build $95 Million Wastewater Facility Expansion that did not include Recycled Water. “..some of these improvements may not be beneficial to the ultimate plant.”

11/16/2016: Emails between State Water Board and Berchtold indicate Investigate Order Issued in August was fake.


Beaumont’s GAAP Audit of the City’s 2015 Financial Statements Received a ‘Disclaimer of Opinion’ because the City refused to remove the 60 million dollars in forged Sewer Machinery & Equipment Journal Entries.

01/30/2017: Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Executive Officer Kurt Berchtold sent Libi Uremovic b.s. Letter. “..the City’s Facility produces tertiary equivalent of treated water and disinfected recycled water which is consistent with Title 22 requirements.”

03/07/2017: Beaumont City Council Approves $686,808 Contract to Utility Partners.