Beaumont Council Meeting December 16, 2014: A Learning Experience

By: Libi Uremovic| Original Article at

Let’s review what we learned from last night’s Council Meeting.

We learned that Bond Debt takes precedence over everything else.

We learned that even after acquiring $320 Million in bond debt with disastrous results or no results at all Kapanicas can still sell the same “we’re going to build the infrastructure first” story for more bond debt.

We learned that after 20 years and two dozens unfinished developments Council and the Public still believe all the fanciful stories of grander that they’re sold.

We learned that the Developers and Lawyers will lie about having ‘Will-Serve’ letters from the Water District to get bond debt.

We learned that Council will pretend that more cars will decrease road congestion to get bond debt.

We learned that Council will accept outdated EIRs to get bond debt.

We learned that defrauding Senior Citizens is ‘doing them a favor’ if it results in more bond debt.

We learned that Hisam Baqai thinks that he already works for the City. Documentation and Citizens confirm that yes, Hisam Baqai has been an Engineer at the Beaumont Sewer Plant for many years and has attended Santa Ana Water Quality Control Board meetings representing the City of Beaumont.

We learned that the reason the public has never seen Hisam Baqai’s name on the Check Warrants is because instead hiring the consultant directly for the City – Deepak Moorjani hired Baqai through Moorjani’s company, Urban Logic. Urban Logic then charges the City an inflated fee for Baqai’s services – no questions asked since the person now authorizing the sewer department expenditures our girl friday, Kyle Warsinski.

We learned the Brenda Knight thinks that being the manager of the Regional Water Board that allowed the groundwater to be contaminated to such an extent that a movie is made about the corruption is a ‘good thing’

We learned that Staff still controls the Agenda. Bond Debt now take priority over Potential Future Action Items, Council Reports, Treasurer Report, and City Manager’s Report.

We learned that the City Treasurer expects Council to direct their Staff to allow her to do her job which includes having a seat at the Dais and giving the Treasurer’s Report BEFORE Council approves the Check Warrants and BEFORE Council votes to acquire more expenses or bond debt.

We learned exactly which Councilmen are on the gravy train and that the rumors about Victor are true.

We learned that while the City has rigorously monitored some citizens’ property; other citizen’s properties are allowed to destroy the City with their uncontrolled flood waters.

We learned that Councilman White is getting is getting first-hand experience in how the City targets and harasses anyone that doesn’t go along with the corruption.

We learned that Council’s ridiculous excuses to continue the pattern and practice of corruption is unacceptable to the Public.

We learned that as long as there is a waiting list of people in Beaumont that consider councils and boards a gravy train the Staff will continue to pillage the City.