Beaumont Citizens have Paid for Three (3) Title 22 Engineering Reports

Council Approved Parametrix Contract for $22,000 in 1993 to Prepare Title 22 Engineering Report for Beaumont’s Sewer.

Part of the ‘mystery’ of the City of Beaumont’s Recycled Water, or lack there of, centers around obtaining a ‘Title 22 Engineering Report’ verifying that the City’s sewer water has been processed ‘to a tertiary level’.

The State Water Quality Control Board has allowed the City of Beaumont to dump sewage into Cooper’s Creek on the pretense that the City’s water is tertiary treated – the City just need a Title 22 Engineering Report.

The Citizens of Beaumont have paid for a Title 22 Engineering Report at least three (3) times, the first time in 1993.

On December 27, 1993 the Beaumont City Council Approved Agenda Item 10:

Award Contract to Parametrix, Inc. in the amount of $22,000 for preparation of Title 22 Engineering Report with emphasis on ultraviolet disinfection of wastewater.

Staff Report was given by David Dillon, Beaumont’s former Economic Development Director and Principal of Urban Logic Consultants.

Parametrix was Subcontracted and paid through Urban Logic Consultants.

The 1993 Sewer Bond stated that the City was scheduled to complete their ‘state of the art’ Wastewater Treatment Plant by March, 1995.

Over a decade later, in 2007, Wildermuth Environmental submitted another Title 22 Engineering Report on behalf of Beaumont’s Sewer Plant. Report confirmed that the Facility must be constructed BEFORE the water will qualify for Title 22 Compliance.

And again a decade later in 2016 Webb and Associates creates another Title 22 Engineering Report.

Guess what Webb and Associates Title 22 Engineering Report says?

If you guessed ‘build the facility’ – You’re Right!

23 Years 3 months and three Title 22 Engineering Reports since the Beaumont City Council first Approved $22,000 for a ULC subcontractor to prepare a Title 22 Engineering Report.

I guess the only question is: how many more times will Beaumont Staff and Council pull the same scam in the next 23 years 3 months…??