Urban Logic principals have repeatedly belittled and publicly humiliated citizens who have spoken out in opposition to a project supported by Urban Logic or who have questioned Urban Logic’s contract with the City.Detractors of Urban Logic feel strongly that they have faced threats and retribution through the use of selective code enforcement and the misuse of police powers.Urban Logic and City Manager Alan Kapanicas have blatantly restricted public access to City government. All correspondence from citizens to the Council must now go through Urban Logic and the City Manager. Sealed envelopes addressed to Councilmembers are opened by Urban Logic and/or the City Manager before being given to the elected officials. Urban Logic principals, who serve as key City department heads and staff members, work out of City Hall only two days per week. Insufficient room capacity is provided at important public hearings despite the availability of a larger meeting room located in City Hall, limiting considerably the number of residents who can attend.