County Wants More Money from Corrupt Officials, but Beaumont Citizens Get No Restitution.
Western Riverside Counsel of Governments has filed another Lawsuit seeking additional money from the Expendable Seven. RIC 1812186
The complaint alleges Kapanicas used his company, General Government Management Services, to embezzle the public funds. The filing identifies his co-conspirators as William Aylward, Beaumont’s former finance director, Joseph Aklufi, former city attorney, Ernest Egger, former director of planning, Deepak Moorjani, former director of public works, David Dillon, a former consultant, and the company, Urban Logic Consultants.
The Lawsuit states: “When the city of Beaumont asked about why fees were not being paid, Kapanicas sent what the filing refers to as “comfort letters” to developers, easing their concerns about the city’s scrutiny of the fee accounts. The filing implies that Kapanicas asked them to sign fraudulent agreements leading the city to believe the fees had not been collected.”
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