San Gorgonio Crossing EIR No. 534 Opposition Letter

Riverside Planning Dept. is Supervised by Mike Lara, who is under Federal Investigation for Approving Forged Documents to Defraud Banks.

Libi Uremovic

P.O. Box 2894

Rancho Cordova, CA 95741

(702) 503-2022


July 8, 2017

Brett Dawson, Project Planner

Riverside County Planning Department

4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor

Riverside, CA 92501

Re: Environmental Impact Report No. 534 (EIR) for San Gorgonio Crossings which includes a Change of Zone (CZ) No. 7799, General Plan Amendment (GPA) No. 1079, Plot Plan (PP) No. 25337, and Parcel Map (PM) No. 36564. EA42179, SCH#20140110009

Mr. Dawson,

Please submit the following comments and documentation in Opposition to the San Gorgonio Crossing Change of Zone and General Plan Amendment.

I am the Accountant that performed the Forensic Audits on the City of Beaumont which has produced Investigations by numerous State and Federal Agencies. Read the SEC Subpoenas, State Controllers’ Investigative Report, and D.A. Indictments on

The San Gorgonio Crossings Project Applicant is TSG-Cherry Valley L.P., of which Russ Bogh is an Investor. In 2015 Russ Bogh conspired with former Beaumont City Manager Alan Kapanicas and former Chief of Police Frank Coe to form a phony ‘Fire Station’ and a phony ‘Finance Committee’ in an attempt to hide Beaumont’s illegal activity. (ATTACHMENT A)

The Lead Agency for the Project is Riverside County. The Planning Department is responsible for processing the EIR. Riverside County Building and Safety Director Mike Lara oversees the Planning Department. Mr. Lara is under Federal Investigation for Forging Government Documents with the Intent to Defraud Financial Institutions. As a Beaumont Councilman; Lara has refused to establish and staff a Finance Department, Approved Forged Documents, continued Beaumont’s illegal Bond & Construction Scam, and has failed to follow State and Federal Laws regarding Public Bid Contracts and the CEQA.

In 2012 Mike Lara used his County Agency for Predatory Purposes to Illegally gain entrance onto the Binghams’ Property by staging a ‘Storm Water Compliance Inspection’ in an attempt to Intimidate Mrs. Bingham because she was exposing Beaumont’s Illegal Activity. (ATTACHMENT B)

Although RDEIR No. 534 mitigates for future impacts, it fails to mitigate for the past impact of 1/4 century of Beaumont Corruption. The City of Beaumont has no Insurance. The City was part of an insurance Collective called ERMAC. Beaumont has been removed from ERMAC because ERMAC Principal, James Gregg, also drew a salary as ‘Risk Manager’ from the City of Beaumont and because Beaumont Falsified its Assets. (ATTACHMENT C)

Beaumont can not obtain Insurance for the City, mainly because they never built Fire Stations. But also because the City of Beaumont swindles the School District out of their Property Taxes and Mitigation Fees. In exchange for the money; the City busses the School Children on Public Transportation. Because even ERMAC refused to Insure the City’s Busses for school kids; the City calls the school children ‘Youth Passengers’.

Riverside Building and Safety Director/Beaumont City Councilman Mike Lara’s Wife Suzie Lara has been a Beaumont Unified School District Board Member for over a decade.

State and Federal Laws are established to protect the Citizens. A Forged Document is one that contains intentional Errors, False Statements, or the intentional Omission of Facts.

Submitting Fraudulent CEQA EIR Documents is a Felony under California State Law. Submitting Fraudulent CEQA EIR Documents for the purpose of illegally Acquiring Municipal Bond Funds is a Federal Felony.

The original EIR No. 534 was revised because it was created with fraudulent and misleading information. The Revised EIR also contains errors, omissions, and false information.

Section 3-1 states: “Thresholds are developed using criteria from the State CEQA Guidelines and checklists; State, federal, and local regulatory schemes; local/regional plans and ordinances; acceptable practices; consultation with recognized experts; and other professional opinions.”

A Public Records Request for the backup documentation verifying the conclusions on the RDEIR from FirstCarbon Solutions, Urban Crossroads, Helix Environmental, Ginter and Associates , Neblett and Associates , Hunsaker and Associates , Kosmont Companies, Urban Environs, and Webb and Associates was submitted on May 30, 2017. TO THIS DAY the Riverside Planning Department has not released the backup to prove their conclusions.

Either the Riverside County Planning Department is refusing to release the Public Records because they know the Reports from the Consultants are Fraudulent, or Planning Department Staff neglected to review or obtain documentation from Consultants.

EIR No. 534 Must Provide Documentation Verifying Consultants Reports or Remove Consultants’ Reports from the EIR.


Section 3.14-1 states: “Additional Information on this section is also base on Economic & Politics, January 2014 Economic Impact of Gateway Distribution Center Analysis…”

John Husing is the Principal of Economic & Politics. John Husing and his company Economic & Politics have a long history of Forging Reports in the Pass Area. From 1993 to 2015 Husing Colluded with the City of Beaumont to commit Bond Fraud by Forging Housing Market Projections.

The City of Beaumont is currently locked out of the Bond Market because of past Fraud. Read SEC Subpoenas here:

RDEIR No. 534 Must Provide Documentation Verifying Economic & Politics’ Reports or Remove Economic & Politics’ Reports from the EIR.



RDEIF No. 534 states: “In addition to providing fire protection services to unincorporated areas, the RCFD provides fire protection services to 16 cities on a contractual basis.”

Because of Riverside County’s past negligence in enforcing planning and building standards; 16 cities in Riverside County are not providing their own fire protection including the City of Beaumont. Riverside County is currently experiencing budget problems and can not guarantee that the County will provide adequate fire protection services to the Project.

A warehouse will not produce enough County tax revenue to pay for additional fire services needed.

The National Association of Fire Protection sets response time standards at four (4) minutes.

EIR No. 534 highlighted the already hazardous Call Response Times by listing Calimesa Fire Station #21 with a total response time of 7 minutes 5 seconds, Cherry Valley Station #22 with a total response time of 7 minutes 43 seconds, and Beaumont Fire Station #66 with a total response time of 8 minutes 22 seconds.

The Riverside County Fire Protection Master Plan recommends one new fire station and/or engine company for every 2,000 new dwelling units and/or 3.5 million square feet of commercial/industrial occupancy.

In 2015 Calfires tried to get the City of Beaumont to build three (3) more fire stations to protect their Citizens, but Beaumont Staff and Council refuse. The City has collected approximately $27 Million to build Fire Stations, but deposited the money in the General Fund. At the June 22, 2017 LAFCO Meeting Beaumont Employee Kyle Warsinski pretended that the City just started collecting Fire Station Mitigation Fees and stated the City only had $2.8 Million in Fire Station Mitigation Fees after building 20,000 houses. “that’s almost enough to build one”. (Attachment D)

Although this Project in itself does not necessitate an additional Fire Station; the Pass Area needs at least five (5) more Fire Stations to adequately protect the current Citizens BEFORE an additional drain on Fire Services can be responsibly Approved.

RDEIR No. 534 Must Recommend Construction of at Least a Minimum of Three (3) Operating Fire Stations to be Valid CEQA Document.

Sheriff Services:

The RDEIR references email communication dated June 25, 2013 regarding Sheriff Services in Riverside County.

On June 21, 2017 it was reported that the Riverside County Sheriff Stan Sniff demanded an additional $50 Million or the Sheriff’s Department will be forced to reduce services including “cutting patrols in unincorporated communities to the bare minimum.”:

RDEIR No. 534 Must Include Recent Reports and Evidence that the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department Will Provide Services to Project.

3.16 – Transportation and Traffic

The RDEIR verifies that “Existing Conditions are at an Unacceptable Condition.” However; the statement “No new deficiencies would occur due to the addition of 2.0 percent ambient growth along with project traffic under EAP 2018 conditions” is a false statement.

‘It’s already so bad that adding additional traffic can’t hurt’ is the neglectful and dismissive mentality that has created an environmental catastrophe in the Pass Area.

Level of Significance After Mitigation “Significant and Unavoidable Impact.”

The Impact is avoidable if the Developers build one house per one acre as established in the General Plan for Unincorporated Cherry Valley.

Not only did Beaumont Staff and Council misuse/embezzle $42 Million in TUMF roadway fees; they also stole approximately $150 Million in Mitigation Fees collected by the City for local roadways. Beaumont also stole $13 Million under the guise of ‘Potrero Interchange’. These Funds were derived from Federal Municipal Bond Funds and are part of the SEC Investigation.

Roads and Expansions needed to accommodate Beaumont’s additional 40,000 vehicles were never built. Traffic buildup along the I-10 attempting to take the Cherry Valley Boulevard Exit can be up to 50 cars long during rush hour.

The Cumulative Impact of Beaumont’s 20 years of submitting Fraudulent Government Documents and Misusing/Embezzling Taxpayer Money has resulted in over $200 Million in Fire Stations and Roadway Infrastructure must be built to make the current Citizens whole BEFORE additional development can be considered.

RDEIR No. 534 Must Recommend Mitigate the Cumulative Effect Traffic Congestion to be Valid CEQA Document.

3.9.1 – Groundwater

RDEIR fails to identify that the Project’s only natural water supply is the Beaumont Basin. The Beaumont Basin has been in Overdraft for over a decade. Overbuilding and Beaumont’s lack of producing Recycled Water has created a sever water shortage in the Pass Area. Currently; 2/3’s of water used by the Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District is Imported, 1/2 of the Yucaipa Valley Water District’s water is Imported.

Albert A. Webb & Associates are referenced in the RDEIR. Albert A. Webb & Associates are under Federal Investigation for Falsifying numerous Reports for the City of Beaumont including for Reports for Taxes, Wastewater Treatment Facility, and Recycled Water. The County has refused to release documentation from Albert A. Webb & Associates proving their conclusions.

RDEIR No. 534 Must Recommend Mitigate the Cumulative Effect of a Decade of Overdrafting the Beaumont Basin to be Valid CEQA Document.