The Riverside County Planning Department will serve as the Lead Agency
Published in the Riverside Press Enterprise November 28, 2016:
Notice of Completion
A Drift Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) has been completed for the project described below:
SAN GORGONIO CROSSING – GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA NO. 1079), CHANGE FOR ZONE (CZ NO. 7799), PARCEL MAP (PM NO. 36564), PLOT PLAN (PP NO. 25337) (Fast Track Authorization No. 2008-24) 0 EA42179 SCH#2014011009 EIR No. 534; Applicant: TSG Cherry Valley, LLP.
The County of Riverside Planning Department will serve as the Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and will coordinate the public review of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that will evaluate the potential significant environmental impacts that may result from the proposed project. TSG Cherry Valley, LP, (project proponent) is proposing to process the above referenced entitlement action through Riverside County in order to develop PP 25337 which is an industrial distribution facility consisting of two industrial buildings totaling 1,823,760 square feet, with 300 bay doors, located on 230 gross acres, of which approximately 144 acres would be developed.
The proposed GPA would revise the land use designation from Community Development; Very Low Denisty Residential (CD:VLDR) (1 Acre Minimum) to Community Development: Light Industrial (CD:LI) (0.25 – 0.60 Floor Area Ratio)
The Change of Zone proposes to change the existing zoning from Controlled Development Areas to Industrial Park. The Parcel Map proposes to subdivide 228 gross acres into four parcels.
The property is located northerly of Cherry Valley Boulevard, easterly of Interstate 10 and Westerly of Vineland Street, within the Cherry Valley Policy Area, Cherry Valley Gateway Policy Area and the Pass Area Plan.
Copies ot the Dratt ElR. and its Technical Appendices are
available for review at the Riverside Countu Planning Department
offices at 4O8O Lemon Street.
Riverside, California.
Copies of the documents will also be
provided to the following libraries for public review:
Calimesa Public Library
974 Calilnesa Blvd
Calimesa CA 92320
Beaumont Public Library
125 E 8th St
Beaumont CA 92223
Written queslions should be mailed to the Riverside County Planning Department.
Attention: Bren Dawson. Project Planner, a’i P.O. Box 1409, Riverside, CA 92fi2-1419 o
by sending an email to bd*****@rc****.org.
Written comments on the document must be submitted
to the Riverside Countv Planning Deoartment no later
than 5:00 P.M. on Jandary 18. 2617.
All comments received by the deadline will be included in the Final ElR,
which will be presented to the hearing body. Notification
of the public hearing will be provided at a later date.