The City of Banning has inadequate Fire Protection and no Recycled Water.
State Clearinghouse
1400 Tenth Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
August 3, 2016
RE: City of Banning
Rancho San Gorgonio Specific Plan
SCH Number 20015041064
I would like to submit the comments below regarding the EIR that has been submitted for the Rancho San Gorgonio Specific Plan located in Banning, California
5-13 Fire Protection:
Fire Protection for the entire Pass Area is grossly inadequate. EIR page 5.13-3 lists the Banning Fire Station No. 89 and Beaumont Station No. 20 as the two closest fire stations; each with one fire truck. The City of Beaumont has grown from 10,000 to 45,000 people without building any fire stations and depends on the Banning Fire Station for additional coverage.
5-16 Wastewater Treatment and Collection:
EIR page 5.16-3 states: “Currently, the Water and Wastewater Utilities Department has plans and is working towards expanding the Banning WWTP facility through the Banning WWTP Expansion and Phase I Recycled Water System project. The project would expand the existing facility to allow tertiary treatment of up to 5.1 mgd, install new pipelines to transport recycled water, and construct a pump station and storage reservoir for recycled water.”
Furthermore; Appendix J, Water Supply Assessment, page J-16 claims that there will be 1,680 acre feet of Recycled Water available for the project.
The City of Banning has no Recycled Water.
In 2005 the Banning Utility Authority acquired a $42,735,000 Bond. Page 30 claims that Banning will have 1,504 acre feet of Recycled Water by 2010.
In 2015 the above Bond was Refinanced/Refunded. Page15 records the same sources of water, but now claims 1,680 acre feet of Recycled Water, this time by 2020.
Banning’s 2006 General Plan page IV-11 states: “The City has considered the use of Recycled Water for irrigation.”
Because of the above stated reasons; I am requesting the State Clearinghouse demand adequate Fire Protection and an actual Recycled Water supply before approving this project.
Please contact me for any questions.
Thank you,
Libi Uremovic