PRR: Pardee Homes Documentation for CFD Construction

Documentation Includes CEQA EIR, Plan Checks, Inspections, Construction Payroll, Invoices, and all Communication with Beaumont Staff.

The Settlement Agreement between the City of Beaumont and Pardee Homes dated February 7, 2017, states in Recital G:

“Pardee has completed construction of all homes and other facilities within Improvement Areas 8C, 8D, and 17C.”

Public Records Request: All Documentation, Invoices, and Receipts for the construction of Beaumont CFD Areas 8C, 8D, and 17C.

Documentation should include, but not limited to, CEQA EIR Documents, Plan Checks, Inspections, Construction Payroll, Invoices, and all Communication with any/all representatives of the City of Beaumont.

Settlement Agreement #3, Distribution of Bond Proceeds, states that Pardee Homes is ‘entitled’ to $3,300,000 remaining in Bond Fund Accounts 2011 A and 2012 A for Development Areas 8C and 17B, respectfully.

Public Records Request: All All Documentation, Invoices, and Receipts for the construction of Beaumont CFD Areas 8C and 17B.

Documentation should include, but not limited to, CEQA EIR Documents, Plan Checks, Inspections, Construction Payroll, Invoices, and all Communication with any/all representatives of the City of Beaumont.

A thumbdrive will be provided to the City of Beaumont to upload the documents.

If the documents can’t be produced for public inspection – the facilities can’t be classified as ‘public projects’, so let’s produce all those documents Pardee Homes claims to have and has submitted to Beaumont’s trusted staff that work so hard and do such a good job.