No City Council Agenda and No Records in Beaumont

3 1/2 years after the Raids and not one honest or qualified person has been hired at the City of Beaumont

3 1/2 years after the Raids and not one honest or qualified person has been hired at the City of Beaumont. The City Council just hired a bunch of crooks to continue the bond/construction scam.

The City of Beaumont has regularly scheduled City Council Meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. At the August 21, 2018 City Council Meeting ‘Council Approved’ canceling the September 4th City Council Meeting.

The Meeting Agenda still has to be published 72 hours before the state of a regular meeting – even if the Meeting is canceled.

California Government Code 54954.2 (a) (1) At least 72 hours before a regular meeting, the legislative body of the local agency, or its designee, shall post an agenda containing a brief general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting, including items to be discussed in closed session.

A Public Records’ Request was submitted to the City requesting all communication with Don McDougall/McDougall Capital Consulting. The response from the City was “No Records”.

It’s not possible to have no records of hiring McDougall when City Manager Todd already stated that he hired and contracted McDougall. There had to be a Contract or some sort of written agreement. So a public records’ request was submitted of the paper trail to/from the City Clerk’s Office to/from Beaumont’s Elected and Appointed Officials.

The response from the City Clerk’s Office is: “Written communications was not utilized for communication regarding this request.”

Then what kind of communication was used? Smoke signals? Does the City Clerk’s Office use mental telepathy to forward public records’ request?

3 1/2 years after the Raids and not one honest or qualified person has been hired by the Beaumont City Council. The City Councilmen have been convinced by City Attorney John Pinkney that if the City Council just ‘Receives and Files’ the actions of their corrupt staff, then the Council are not criminally liable.

Incorrect. S.E.C. Laws and State Laws use the same definition that translates to: ‘You did it, You own it.” As a collective body; the Beaumont City Council purposely hired unqualified, inexperienced, and corrupt staff members in order to continue the City’s criminal activity. The Beaumont City Council directed and approve of every illegal activity and every forged government document. “Receive and File’ is the same as ‘Council Approved’.

California Government Code 54952.56: As used in this chapter, “action taken” means a collective decision made by a majority of the members of a legislative body, a collective commitment or promise by a majority of the members of a legislative body to make a positive or a negative decision, or an actual vote by a majority of the members of a legislative body when sitting as a body or entity, upon a motion, proposal, resolution, order or ordinance.

And at the bottom of the Public Records’ Request the City lists the names of Ass City Manager Kristine Day, Finance Director Melana Taylor, Finance Advisor Mike Busch, and 2017 Audit forgers Vanessa Burke and Ken Pun with the statement: “The individuals listed are not elected nor appointed officials..”

All government officials are either elected or appointed officials. In decent schools this is taught in 6th grade and again in 11th grade government. And I’m sure it’s covered in City Clerk classes – probably in the second paragraph of the first chapter.

Beaumont City Councilmen should be embarrassed to have such openly ignorant and incompetent staff, but this is the staff that the ‘new’ Beaumont City Councilmen hand picked, direct, and approve of every illegal and ignorant activity.