J.F. Shea Construction, Inc

On March 22, 2016 the Beaumont City Council ‘Approved’ a ‘Notice of Completion’ for Expanding the Sewer Plant to 8 MGD. $2 Million Paid

On the October 17, 2017, Beaumont City Council Meeting Agenda Item 15 Agreement to Purchase Capacity in the SARI Brine Line from the Dairy Farmers of America. Beaumont’s Staff Report claims that JF Shea represents the FDA when in fact JF Shea is employed by both the City of Beaumont and the Orange County Sanitation District: https://beaumont.civicweb.net/…

J.F. Shea ‘Properties’ knows first hand that Beaumont has no Brine to put in the SARI Line because J.F. Shea ‘Construction’ Embezzled over $22 Million from Beaumont’s Sewer Plant and never built the facilities needed to produce Brine.

Over $12,730,148.23 was paid directly to JF Shea Construction from Beaumont’s 2001 Wastewater Bond Fund Accounts and $9.9 Million from the City’s Check Warrants.

Beaumont’s 2001 Wastewater Bond Fund Accounts from January 12, 2004 through February 13, 2006 show at least $9.5 Million was paid out of the Wastewater Improvement Fund. From October 11, 2006 through January 21, 2009 at least $3.2 Million was paid out of the Construction Fund Ghost Account.

Invoices and Receipts must be submitted with the Requisitions to the Bond Trustee to receive payments. Of the 28 Bond Fund Accounts that paid JF Shea; not one Invoice, Receipt, or Payroll Verification was submitted. The only ‘backup’ are City-generated documents.

From October 19, 2007 through February 10, 2014 JF Shea was paid $9.9 Million through Beaumont’s Check Warrants. Bond Requisitions shows that Union Bank transferred money to the City for wastewater improvements in general and specifically to reimburse JF Shea.

The City of Beaumont’s Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan dated March 2, 2004, awards JF Shea ‘Change Orders’ totaling $8,180,438.94 to Upgrade and Expand the Sewer Plant. In 2004 over $7 Million worth of Requisitions were submitted to the Bond Trustee to pay JF Shea.

On December 19, 2004, JF Shea signed a Settlement Agreement with the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) for not obtaining the proper Permits and operating Combustion Engines without obtaining written authorization. Judy Bingham had filed a complaint with the SCAQMD because of the extreme odors emitting from the Sewer Plant.

On April 4, 2005 Judy Bingham was Arrested and charged with ‘Willfully Resist/Delay/Obstruct, Evading a Police Officer, Terrorist Threats of Death, and Assault w/Weapon likely to produce Great Bodily Harm’.

While making the arrest, Officer Chester slammed Mrs. Bingham down on the hood of the police vehicle so hard that he broke her wrist and dislocated her shoulder. Judy Bingham was 58 years old at the time.

On September 1, 2005 Mrs. Bingham was Convicted of ‘Making a Terrorist Threat’ by Judge/Developer Mark Cope and the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office in an attempt to stop Mrs. Bingham from reporting on the activities at Beaumont’s Sewer Plant, which sits directly across Coopers Creek from the Bingham Property.

JF Shea Employee Kevin Hanson created the false police report and JF Shea Employee Christopher Johnson testified against Mrs. Bingham in the mock Trail.

On November 5, 2012 JF Shea was awarded a $2,845,564.00 Contract to construct a new Influent Channel and expand Beaumont’s Wastewater Plant Capacity from 4 MGD to 8 MGD/day. JF Shea was paid over $2 Million from Beaumont’s Check Warrants, but never built the Infrastructure.

Beaumont was raided by the FBI and Riverside District Attorney’s Office on April 22, 2015.

November 3, 2015 California State Controller’s Office Investigative Report Page 22, Finding 5 – Deficiencies in Maintaining Supporting Documentation states:

“During our review, we found that City management has failed to keep track of invoices paid. The City was unable to provide J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. invoices of $1,091,016.65 for FY 2013-2014 because the City was unable to locate them. From FY 2007-08 through FY 2013-14, the City paid J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. approximately $11 Million.”

On December 18, 2015, JF Shea was sent an Electronic Transfer for $40,000. January 5, 2016, Agenda Item 8.N. Purchase Order Ratification – Headworks Upgrades at the WWTP in which JF Shea claims they were owed another $44,353.41. There is no Invoice, only a Purchase Order created by the City: http://www.ci.beaumont.ca.us/D…

On March 22, 2016 the Beaumont City Council ‘Approved’ a Notice of Completion to JF Shea claiming that “one of three new influent channels and equipment needed to expand the plant to treat up to 8 million gallons of effluent per day” was completed: http://www.ci.beaumont.ca.us/DocumentCenter/View/27276

On November 7, 2016, the Beaumont City Council ‘Approved’ expanding the Sewer Plant from 4 MGD to 6 MGD because JF Shea did not expand the Sewer Plant, they just took the money : http://www.ci.beaumont.ca.us/DocumentCenter/View/28602

On April 4, 2017, the Beaumont City Council ‘Approved’ Paving the Sewer Plant parking lot that JF Shea was paid to do in the 2012 Headworks Contract: https://beaumont.civicweb.net/document/5708/Item%2019.pdf?handle=710AB7E58629409394082920D0AECB48

An Email from K Hovanian Land Manager Steve Moffatt references having to dig up force sewer mains because the work that JF Shea did was substandard and violated State and Federal Building Regulations.

JF Shea’s connection to the City of Beaumont and Union Bank is unknown.