By: Libi Uremovic| Original Article at
City References 2007 Tract Map for 981 Houses
2007: City Staff and Council Forged General Plan Claiming Possession of Wastewater Treatment Plant that produces Title 22 Compliant Recycled Water.
2007: City Ignores Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Requirements for Title 22 Compliant Recycled Water.
2007 EIR: Outdated and Unacceptable. Beaumont has built 4,000 other houses since 2007 and California has entered severe drought.
NO WILL-SERVE LETTER: There is No Will-Serve Letter From The Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District nor does Area 5 qualify for a Will-Serve Letter.
NO REGIONAL ROAD MITIGATION FEES: Area 5 will add 2,000 vehicles to the roads, but Beaumont is currently in dispute with WRCOG, RCA, and RCTC.
BOND DEBT: $3 Million Collected for Area 5 Improvements 20 Years Ago, but no improvements were made and all the money is gone.
Area No. 5 is part of the original 1994 Mello Roos Bonds. Area No. 5 received $2,345,826 or 23% of the original $10 Million Bond Debt and was also assigned another $266,569 for ‘Facility Design’.
Area No. 5 was also a $350,000 beneficiary on the 1996 Sewer Enterprise Bond. On this bond the City is the Purchaser, is piggybacking (refunding) off the 1994 Bond Debt, and the debt is expected to be paid solely from Fee and Tax Revenue.