At the February 22, 2016 Beaumont “CFD 101” Workshop I submitted a Public Records Request for the amount of money Beaumont City Councilman Authorized for the (2) Lawyers and three (3) Consultants to scam the Citizens of Beaumont with their faux Workshop.
State Law allows a MAXIMUM of ten (10) business days for a government agency to fulfill a Public Records Request. A PRR dated February 22nd is due no later than March 7th.
“Fulfill” being the optimum word.
On March 14th I finally received a fraudulent response to my Request.
“All Services paid to John Pinkney, Webb and Associates, and Urban Futures are part of their Retainer costs within their Contract. The workshop on February 22, 2016 was not billed separately.
The Definition of Fraud is ‘an intentional lie’.
First of all; there was another Attorney present from another Law Firm that the City conveniently left out. Brian Forbath from Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth, the City’s Bond Counsel.
March 15, 2016 Council Agenda Item 4.h is Pinkney’s Invoices including $30,000 ‘OverRetainer’.
Urban Futures and Webb and Ass’s are not on ‘Retainer’, they were gifted Contracts in violation of State Law, but they were never put on ‘Retainer’.
Both Consultants charge by the hour, so they would have to submit Invoices for the Workshop.
Almost a year after the FBI Raids, and Five Months after the State Controllers’ Report and Beaumont City Council is still Approving Invoices without any backup or proof there was any work done to justify the Invoices.
Why was Nicole Acosta gifted and City Clerk position?
She worked for the City in the past and her Father was a ranking member of Beaumont Police Department under the notorious Chief of Police Smith, so Nicole is familiar with the ways of the Old Guard.