There is no Staff, no Time Clock, no Human Resources, and the City Treasurer Nancy Carroll REFUSES to Do Her Job.
Below is the email sent at 11:00 am from Nichole Acosta-Wheelwright who was gifted the title of ‘Deputy City Clerk’ because the actual City Clerk, Julio Martinez, refuses to commit Perjury and Fraud.
We are requesting paper copies of the Bond Fund Accounts, but the City refuses to release the Documents because it will show the money funneled to Lawyers and Consultants instead of building the Infrastructure.
The City has removed all of the bond fund accounts from their website, so the City was given a list of the documents to print out for Judy Bingham to pick up at 3:00pm.
Apparently at 11:00 am the City came up with another excuse and decided to avoid releasing the documents by giving Nichole the rest of the day off by using the ‘sick kid’ excuse. Nichole’s mother lives right down the road and Nichole makes enough money to afford child care. It’s nothing more than a ridiculous excuse.
The City Treasurer, Nancy Carroll, has refused to take the State City Treasurer classes that would teach her about bonds and refuses to prepare a City Treasurer’s Report that counts the money.
There is no actual Staff in Beaumont, no Human Resources, no one punches a time clock, and Council’s only focus is funneling money out of the City.
The State and Feds must step in to stop the Beaumont City Councilmen from further destruction of the City.
Either Freeze Beaumont’s Bond Fund Accounts or impose an Injunction to stop the Beaumont City Councilmen from stealing the remaining money.
Begin forwarded message:
Judy, I was able to get the statements copied and ready for redacting on Friday, however I’m out of the office today with a sick kid. I’ll be able to get them redacted in the morning and ready tomorrow afternoon. If you’d like I’ll give you a call when they are ready tomorrow. Thank you, – Nicole