Copied on the PRR are Officers from Every State and Federal Agency Hoping to Deter Beaumont From Destroying Government Documents AGAIN.
Public Records Request: Bond Fund Account Summaries for every Municipal Bond held/acquired by the City of Beaumont, the Beaumont Financing Authority, and/or the Beaumont Community Facilities District from the time of the Bonds’ inception to Present.
Bond Fund Accounts are established for every bond by the bond Trustee, Union Bank. A summary of the bond fund accounts showing every transaction made throughout the year.
The Public has been requesting Beaumont’s Bond Fund Accounts since January, 2013. David Danielski, Reporter for the Riverside Press Enterprise, filed a Public Records Request for the documents in July, 2015.
The City of Beaumont claimed to have destroyed all of their documents, so they were directed to request the documents from the Trustee, Union Bank.
City Attorney John Pinkney claimed to have received the documents from the Trustee and attempted to pass off the City’s Requisitions as the Bank’s Bond Fund Accounts.
It is unknown if Union Bank refused to release the documents or if Union Bank actually did released the Bond Fund Accounts to the City of Beaumont and Pinkney destroyed the documents.
The Public Records’ Request must still be filled.
I want the Bond Fund Account Yearly Summaries and I want them unaltered.
Copied on this Public Records Request are the SEC, the Board of Accountancy, the State Controller, the State Treasurer’s Office, and Members of Union Bank in hopes of deterring the City of Beaumont from committing fraud and destruction of government property AGAIN.
Your ten (10) days was up three (3) years ago. Produce the Bond Fund Accounts