The Agreement to Sell the Sewer Plant Was Written into the MOU on December 5, 2006 and Approved by then Councilman Berg.
By: Libi Uremovic | Original Article at
Former Councilman Roger Berg declared ‘Liar’ that the City had offered to sell the Sewer Plant to the Beaumont Cherry Valley Water District for $1.00.
I heard Eric Fraser reference the $1.00 sale last year when presenting the reason why the District had to join Yucaipa Valley Water District.
But long-time Pass Area Residents remembered Beaumont City Council Agenda Item 2.f. ‘Memorandum of Understanding with Beaumont Cherry Valley Water District dated December 6, 2006.
In the Staff Report, written by Dave Dillon of Urban Logic, states in Item 6.:
Final Cooperative Agreement. As consideration for the transfer of ownership, the DISTRICT shall pay to the CITY the sum of $1.00 and shall enter into a mutually-agreeable Franchise Agreement for use of the CITY’s streets and other public rights of way for water and sewer pipeline purposes.
Then Councilman Roger Berg Motioned for Approval of the MOU. The vote passed 4/0.
Obviously this MOU never went through.