Beaumont Pulls $1/4 Million Out of Empty Fund

By: Libi Uremovic , November 16, 2013 | Original Article at

Beaumont City Council Agenda 6.b seeks approval to transfer $225,000 from the CDBG Fund to pay for Public Pool renovations. In the Staff Report Ms. Deming states: “I have spoken with EDA and we are able to use CDBG Funding for this needed renovation.”

CDBG is funding from HUD for improvements low/moderate parts of the city, so legally – yes, CDBG funds can be used to repair the public pool, but there are no CDBG

Page 21/44 on the 2013/2014 Budget lists the CDBG Fund empty and no revenue budgeted for the year:

Congrats on listing the $1/4 Million Expenditure in the Newspaper, but the funding has to come from a legitimate source to be a legal document.