2.89 Million Sq. Ft. Warehouse in Hidden Canyon Area 4.
City of Beaumont Planning Commission Agenda
Regular Session 6:00 PM
550 E 6th Street, Beaumont, Ca
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
2 Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider Plot Plan PP2018-0145, to Allow Four (4) 8’x40′ Storage Containers on Approximately .31 acres (15,503 sf) Located on the East Side of Elm Avenue, South of 4th Street in the Manufacturing (M) Zone
Recommended Committee Action(s):
1. Hold a Public Hearing; and
2. Approve Plot Plan PP2018-0145, for the location of four (4) 8’x40′ storage containers on approximately .31 acres (15,503 sf) located on the east side of Elm Avenue, north of 4th Street in the Manufacturing (M) zone.
3. Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider Plot Plan 2018-0134 for a 2.89 Million Square Foot Industrial Business Park (Hidden Canyon Industrial Park); Located at the Western Terminus of Fourth Street, South of State Highway 60, East of Jack Rabbit Trail
Recommended Committee Action(s):
1. Hold a Public Hearing; and
2. Approve the Plot Plan 2018-0134 for the Hidden Canyon Industrial Park, based upon the findings stipulated herein, subject to the attached conditions of approval.