Beaumont Has No Record of Hiring McDougall

City Manager Todd Parton Stated he Hired McDougall, but there are No Ads, Letters, Estimate, Contract, or Invoice to Verify a Transaction.

At the August 7, 2018, Beaumont City Council Meeting Finance Director Melana Taylor introduced Donald McDougall as “an expert in his field” and the City’s Consultant that forged the Capital Asset Report.

The City refuses to release the Capital Asset Report. A copy of McDougall’s slideshow presentation has since uploaded the presentation on their website:…

McDougall claimed to teach GASB 34 and stated that he was involved in the preparation of the City’s 2017 Audited Financial Statements, but McDougall is not an Accountant and is not registered with the S.E.C. to participate in the preparation of an Issuers’ financial statements.

When it was pointed out that McDougall was a fraud that was never hired by Council; City Manager Todd Parton stated that he hired McDougall for less than $25,000, so he didn’t have to bring it to Council.

A Public Records’ Request was submitted to the City requesting all documentation and communication to/from City Officials to/from Don McDougall/McDougall Capital Consulting.

The City has replied: “There are no responsive documents”

There’s not an advertisement, a Contract, an Invoice, an email from Parton to Taylor telling her that he hired McDougall. There is no record of McDougall’s solicitation, hiring, job performed, or any communication to/from McDougall to/from any Elected or Appointed Representative of the City.

The City Manger, Finance Director, City Attorney, Mayor Nancy Carroll, Vanessa Burke, Ken Pun, and Mike Busch conspired to Forge $400 Million Capital Assets on Beaumont’s 2017 Audited Financial Statements.

And Council Approved 5/0.

Beaumont City Council Transcript August 7, 29018:

2:21:00: Parton: So AMS did part of that, I think that was the original contract. I think that’s right, isn’t it Melana? I’m trying to go correctly. I think that bidding when out before I got here, so we were in the process when I got here. So we brought in McDougall separately as we were trying to complete our GASB compliance. So the Initial contact that I signed with a letter of engagement for him was under $25,000 for the work, so the total project including some additional file work that we asked McDougal to do is about $15,000 in total, so it’s not the same consultant.

White: The $104,000 was for pavement management?

Parton: It was for pavement management system and then part of the other asset inventory list for compliance.

White: Okay, great.

Parton: We presented the pavement management report in a meeting to City Council I believe in November, 2017. You remember the street map that shows red and green and all the different color lines showing road conditions? That was what this report was from.

2:22:00 White: So specifically Mr. McDougall’s contact did not come before the City Council as a separate contact? Why is that?

Parton: Because this is a ‘professional services’, this contact that we needed only needs my signing pursuant to the purchasing policy approved by Council.