At the last Council Meeting City Treasurer stated that the Finance Committee Agenda will be as follows:
1 review of management policies
2. adherence to state controllers’ report
3. goals and objective of the finance committee…
- ‘Management Practices’ are the same as they were before the Raids and State Controller’s Report. Rebecca Deming, Kyle Warsinski, and Elizabeth Urtiaga-Gibbs are fronts. They do not have the skill or knowledge for the positions they hold and they were all trained by and still follow the old guard.
2. The City has not even acknowledged the State Controllers’ Report. The theory that the City is ‘adhering’ to the Report is ridiculous.
3. The only ‘goals and objectives’ the Finance Committee needs is for someone to make an honest statement regarding the City’s finances.
‘Form a Committee’ is Beaumont’s favorite distraction. The Finance Committee is the product of the ‘Ad hoc’ Finance Committee that spent the last six months doing … well, no one knows what they were doing because they held secret meetings that were never recorded.
Everyone involved in the Finance Committee needs to stop playing clubhouse and start taking a serious look a the City’s financial condition.
Assets + Liabilities = Owners Equity
The City of Beaumont has a very few Assets and a massive amount of Liabilities.