Approved 4/1 with Orozco Voting Against: “ shove it through just because we don’t have people here to speak tonight.”
Beaumont City Council Voted to Approve the 2017 Budget at the June 21, 2016 Council Meeting.
Both City Attorney Pinkney and Mayor Mike Lara stated that this was the 4th time it was presented to the Public, but that was incorrect.
The shortened version of the Budget was first presented at the June 7, 2016 Council Meeting. The full 314 page Budget was presented at the Special Meeting on June 16, 2016.
Councilman Mark Orozco was the only vote against Approving the Budget without holding a Special Meeting as stated in the Staff Report.
Councilman Lloyd White felt that there was no reason to have another meeting since they’re going to vote for it anyway.
Councilman Condon asked City Manager the 3rd Warne if there was any illegal use of CFD Funds. Earlier John Chamber from Pardee Homes also commented that the SEC Investigation Legal Fees should not be taken from the CFD Funds.
Warner stated that Webb and Associates, Special Tax Consultant just like Alan Kapanicas, assured them that everything was legal.
Beaumont’s 2017 Budget passes 4/1