Beaumont Claims No One in City is Making an Agreement with Tribe for Recycled Water

Not one member of Beaumont’s Staff, Council, Lawyers, or Consultants have Verified the Tribe’s Claim or Spoke of the Tribe’s Claim in Public

The first and only time there was any talk about the Morongo Tribe using Beaumont’s Recycled Water was on November 18, 2014, but Agenda Item 6.a.7. was pulled and never returned:

The 11/18/2014 Staff Report states: “The City of Beaumont has previously offered its recycled water to the BCVWD multiple times since 1993. Each time there was no agreement formed.”

We now know that the reason there was ‘no agreement formed’ is because the City has no recycled water or even the machinery to produce water that would qualify as ‘recycled’.

So it was quite a surprise to everyone when TWO YEARS LATER Morongo Tribal Chairman Robert Martin stated at the November 2, 2016 Sewer Workshop that the Tribe has “been working with the City for the past five years on an Agreement to use Recycled Water on our Golf Courses instead of potable water.”

The Tribal Chairman further proclaimed: “If the Council decides to keep its treatment plant, and Morongo hopes you do, then we would like to respectfully request the Council directly City Staff to complete the Agreement we have been working on with you for the last five years by the end of this year; replacing potable water with recycled water.”

Who are these fantasy people the Tribe is making an Agreement with for fantasy recycled water?

Multiple Public Records Request have been submitted for a Copy of the Agreement with the Morongo Tribe regarding Recycled Water and the Names and Job Titles of all Beaumont Elected and Appointed Officials involved in developing an Agreement with the Morongo Tribe for Recycled Water.

The most recent Request dated March 10, 2017, elicited the following response: “No such document exists on file. There are no responsible documents for request.”

There’s no one within the City willing to admit they are stringing along the Tribe. And in case the Tribe didn’t notice; not one member of Beaumont’s Staff, Council, Lawyers, or Consultants have verified the Tribe’s claim or spoke of the Tribe’s claim in public.

Which begs the question; aside from Covington; who is involved in scamming the Tribe and does the Tribe have anything in writing?