Beaumont Can Not Back Up Potrero Interchange Lies

Multiple Statements were Made to Push the Potrero Interchange. Now City Can’t Produce any Documentation to Validate Statements.

On August 16, 2016, the Beaumont City Council approved continuing with the Potrero Interchange:

On August 18, 2016, a Public Records Request was submitted to the City requesting documentation and clarification on what had transcribed at the August 16th Meeting.

On September 1, 2016, the City of Beaumont replied to the Records Request:

Request No. 1: “Name of person that created the Potrero slideshow and hours expended.”

Response to Request No. 1: Amer Jahker created the slideshow, however the number of hours expended is not a document kept on file.

Really? The Public Works Director/Engineer created the slideshow with practically no information on public works or engineering?

Request No. 2: “Contract/Agreements and Escrow Accounts with Developers that have agreed to pay $8,017,000 for Phase I and $23,120,000 for Phase II of the Potrero Interchange as stated on Page 9 of the City’s Slideshow”

Response to Request No. 2: No such document exists on file. There are no documents responsive to request no. 2

The City claims that the Developers will ‘repay’ the Taxpayers over $30 Million, but there’s nothing in writing and no money in escrow. That’s ridiculous.

Request No. 3: “All documentation and communication to/from the City of Beaumont and/or any Representative of the City and IDC of Rancho Cucamonga regarding the Potrero Project”

Response to Request No. 3: The documents in response to this request have been uploaded to the City’s Webportal in the following folder sequence: City Clerk\Public Records Requests Received\2016\Completed Requests\Response: Bingham 08.22.16\Request no. 3

The three (3) emails are dated August 19, 2016 and are only to/from Amer Jakher. The City must produce the records that hired IDC and the documents and communication that created the ‘new numbers’ for the Potrero Interchange.

And is the City claiming that Amer Jakher actually had no contact with IDC until AFTER the August 16th Council Meeting..??

Request No 4: “Name, Job, title and certifications of ‘independent person’ from IDC that produced estimate of Potrero Project”

Response to Request No 4: The only information kept on file is: Norman Suydam, Senior Project Manager. There are no other documents responsive to this request.

Request No. 5: “List of past work and contracts between Warne and IDC or IDC and any government agency for which Warne was involved”

Response to Request No 5: No such document exists on file. There are no documents responsive to request no. 5.

Then how was this company selected and where’s the Report and backup documentation for that produced the Potrero Interchange Cost Estimate?

Request No 6: “All documentation and communication to/from the City of Beaumont and/or any Representative of the City and Mark Thomas regarding the Potrero Project.”

Response to Request No 6: The documents in response to this request have been uploaded to the City’s Webportal in the following folder sequence:

City Clerk\Public Records Requests Received\2016\Completed Requests\Response: Bingham 08.22.16\Request no. 6

This is a lie. There are no documents at the laser fiche address listed above.

Request No 7: “Memorandum of Understanding to designate CalTrans as the lead Agency for the Construction Phase Signed by CalTrans”

Response to request No 7: No such document exists on file. There are no documents responsive to request no. 7

Of course there’s not; there’s no way that CalTrans is going to grant the City lead agency on a Project from which $11 Million has already been embezzled.

Request No. 8: ‘List of construction projects including invoices, contractors’, payroll and other documentation required by California State Contracting Laws for ‘$20 Million in public infrastructure without any city funding, so that’s city streets’ as stated by Bruce McDonald at the august 16, 2016 Beaumont City Council Meeting”

Response to request no 8: No such document exists on file. There are no documents responsive to request no. 8

The ‘document’ was created when the person spoke at the Council Meeting. Now produce the backup for the statement.

Request No 9: “Name and Job title of Councilman Della Condon’s cousin that was Consulted regarding the Potrero Interchange project”

Response to Request No 9: No such document exists on file. There are no documents responsive to request no. 9

The ‘document’ was created when the person spoke at the Council Meeting. Now produce the backup for the statement.

Request No. 10 “List of items that will be cut from the 2016/2017 budget in order to provide funds for the Potrero Interchange project”

Response to Request No 10: No such document exists on file. There are no documents responsive to request no. 10

Of course there’s no budget documents – there’s not even a Finance Department.