By: Libi Uremovic | Original Article at
Today at the Watermaster Board Meeting I spoke to Joe Zoba, the General Manager of the Yucaipa Valley Water District, regarding Councilman Lloyd White’s statement about Yucaipa becoming the City of Beaumont’s sewer provider.
Zoba acknowledged that yes, he has spoken to Lloyd and stated that he would mention to the Board that the City of Beaumont wanted to have a workshop. Zoba stated that the YVWD could provide sewage treatment for the Beaumont, but it would have to expand to 16 or 20 MGD (million gallons daily).
I asked Zoba if Beaumont’s sewer plant is in such disrepair that it would be cheaper in the long term to transport sewage. Zoba stated that he hadn’t been in Beaumont’s sewer plant in years, but it was in bad shape. He also stated that Yucaipa basically had to build a new facility from the ground up to become Title 22 Compliant at the cost of $40 Million.
At the Yucaipa Valley Water District Board Meeting Zoba clarified to the Board and Citizens that the Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District was a separate entity from the City of Beaumont. The recycled water deal was with the Water District, not the City.
During his Manager’s Report Zoba told the Board that he did receive a call from the City of Beaumont that wants to schedule meeting – in September, but the City didn’t have any set date in mind. Zoba told the Board that he would let them know if/when the City of Beaumont contacts the Water District again.
Zoba acknowledged that YVWD providing sewage services to Beaumont would be many years in the making and no immediate fix for Beaumont. Beaumont just ‘promised’ the State Water Quality Control Board that they would comply with the Order enacted on August 1st.
It would be different if there were no requirements for Yucaipa to provide sewage services to Beaumont, but Yucaipa would need to expand to accommodate Beaumont. Knowing Beaumont’s reputation for cheating their neighbors and breaking agreements; it’s not likely the Yucaipa Water Board will put themselves at risk.
The City of Beaumont needs to get a focus and make a plan that they can stick to. There’s no reason to continue to pour money into Beaumont’s sewer plant if it’s not salvageable.