Beaumont Bond Fund Spending – The City of Beaumont Does Their Own Construction

By: Libi Uremovic | Original Article at

2015-04-29jOn December 31, 2014 Steiner Group presented a summary report to Beaumont City Manager Alan Kapanicas tracking the City’s Bond Funds from 2009 to Present. The Steiner Group is a dummy corporation to hide Urban Logic Principals Dave Dillon and Deepak Moorjani:

Each summary report lists the amount remaining in the bond fund, what was built with the funds, and what remains to be completed.


‘City of Beaumont’ claims to have built all of the Transportation Facilities, Citywide Facilities, and the Waste Water Treatment and Distribution System. Aside from the fact that the City never built the infrastructure; the City also does not have a construction company.


Although most of the money is already gone, each bond summary lists the same ‘to do’ projects with timelines:

Wastewater Treatment Facilities:
Treatment Plant Expansion Project – Expected Completion 2018
Salt Mitigation Facilities – Expected Completion 2020

Recycled Water Facilities:
Golf Course Irrigation Transmission Main – Expected Completion 2015
Planned Recharge Transmission Main – Expected Completion 2020
San Timeteo Recycled Water Recovery Project – Expected Completion 2025

Transportation Facilities:
Potrero Blvd/SR 60 Interchange, Phase 1 and Interim Project – Expected Completion 2017
Potrero Blvd/SR 60 Interchange, Phase 2 – Expected Completion 2025
Oak Valley Parkway/I-10 Interchange – Expected Completion 2020
Highland Springs Ave/I-10 Interchange – Expected Completion 2025
SR 79/Pennsylvania Ave/I-10 Interchange – Expected Completion 2035

Public Safety and Civic Facilities:
Fire Station Facilities
Regional Park Facilities

There are no ‘Expected Completion Dates’ for Public Safety and Civic Facilities.


The report shows that although most of the construction is still on the ‘to do’ list, most of the money is gone.

Area 19A $113.30
Area 6A1 $2.27
Area 7A $0
Area 6A1 $2.21
Area 19C $1.82
Area 8B $.86
Areas 3,11,14, 14B $.42
Area 8C $.96
Area 19C $.82
Areas 8D, 17B $.13
Area 17B (A) $2,828.18
Area 17B (B) $593,587.74
Area 8C $2,766,759.01
Area 20 $1,088,575.13
Area 7B $14,037.75
Area 7C $15,376.50
Area 19C $4,693,401.53

Total Available as of 09/30/15 $9,174,688.63