By: Libi Uremovic | Original Article at
The Local Agency Formation Committee has scheduled a hearing for May 28th to annex County land into the City of Beaumont. Below is all the information released.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held before the Riverside Local Agency Formation Commission, in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, County Administrative Center, 1st Floor, 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, California, on Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. on the following proposals:
- LAFCO 2014-20-5- Reorganization to Include Annexation 07-ANX-01A to the City of Beaumont (ASM Beaumont Business Center), Concurrent Annexation to the Beaumont Cherry Valley Water District, and Concurrent Detachments from County Service Area 152 and the Riverside County Waste Resources Management District: Generally located within the northwest quarter of Section 7, T3S R1W, south of State Route 60, east of Beaumont Av., north of the prolongation of 4th St. and west of the future Portrero Blvd. alignment.