Riverside County is telling Property Owners that they can not appeal their Mello Roos Taxes. The County has removed the video on how to submit an Appeal to the County and has also removed the link to the State Board of Equalization’s website.
The Board of Equalization, which oversees the Counties’ tax collection, has informally stated: “this is a mess” and has suggested that property owners file a claim against the County for damages. The BOE stated that the more property owners that file claims the more it will pressure the County to address the situation.
Below is a blueprint of a written Appeal of all 2016 Mello Roos Property Taxes. You can still file an Appeal with the County online, but I suggest that you also send an Appeal Letter to the Riverside Clerk of the Board and copy the State Board of Equalization.
At this point; there’s no reason to just file an Appeal on the CFD Services Fee alone. Appeal all of your 2016 Additional Property Taxes that say “CFD”.
Beaumont City Council should have rejected the Bonds, but they are attempting to continue the corrupt practices of the past.
The Mello Roos Bond Liens are on the private sectors’ property, not the City’s. The private sector has the right to refuse the bond debt and file a lawsuit to recoup all of the Mello Roos Taxes charged to them since the purchase of their home – with interest.
Riverside Clerk of the Board
Kecia Harper-Ihem
4080 Lemon Street, 1st Floor.
Riverside CA 92501
ph. 951.955.1069
Email: co*@rc***.org
RE: 2016 Mello Roos Property Tax Appeal
Dear Clerk of the Board;
I am filing this complaint to appeal the Mello Roos Property Taxes added to the property located at [YOUR ADDRESS] for the following reasons:
1. Beaumont Mello Roos Bonds were acquired without Voter Approval in violation of California Prop 13 and Prop 218
2. City of Beaumont Elected and Appointed Officials illegally profited from the issuance of Mello Roos Bonds in violation of California Government Code 87100 et seq.
3. City of Beaumont Elected and Appointed Officials Misappropriated and Embezzled the Mello Roos Bond Funds instead of building Infrastructure in violations of California Penal Code 92 et seq.
It is the County’s duty of care to ensure the accuracy of the Tax Rolls. The County of Riverside is responsible for attaching illegal property taxes to private property, conspiring with the City of Beaumont to defraud the Public, and profiting from illegal gains.
State Board of Equalization
P.O. Box 942879
Sacramento, CA 94279