The Report has to be Disclosed on EMMA. Over $26,000 has been Paid to Out of State Lawyers. Where’s the Report?
The Beaumont Staff and Council continue to refuse to release the SEC Report required by the Cease and Desist Order.
Over $26,000 has been paid to the Out of State Law Firm Bradley Arant Boult Cummings. A Lawyer can not work in a State unless they are accepted by the Bar Association in that State, so it is unknown if the out of State Law Firm actually produced a Report or if it was all a ruse to funnel Taxpayer money out of the City and State.
In case the City Council ‘forgot’ – every penny that the Council ‘Approves’ to be embezzled comes out of the Taxpayers’ pocket.
Would it help to remind the Beaumont Staff and Council that the Report has to be filed on EMMA ?