The City of Beaumont is attempting to acquire a total of $175 Million in Bond Debt for Seven parcels of land that have no Will-Serve Letters
By: Libi Uremovic| Original Article at
The City of Beaumont has a total of Seven (7) attempts at acquiring Bond Debt on the December 16th Agenda, which would total $175 Million. One of them is to acquire a Bond debt as a result of the fraudulent Four Seasons Ballot, but the other six bond attempts involve building an additional 7,000 houses in Beaumont.
The City lists the same infrastructure improvements that have been listed on every bond for the past 20 years; Recycled Water Facilities, Salt Mitigation Facilities, Regional Park.
Housing is a second tier industry. There is no housing demand in Beaumont. There is not an adequate supply of drinking water. There is no recycled water. There is not adequate fire protection. There are no adequate roads to support the current population.
It has been proven that the City has stolen all the Developers’ Mitigation Fees in the past, but the Developers don’t care because their goal is acquiring Local Agency Bond Debt, not building houses.
What all of the properties have in common:
There is no Recycled Water
There is no Will-Serve Letter from the Water Board
There are no current EIR’s
Beaumont’s Sewer Capacity is unknown
Urban Logic Consultants is listed as ‘Project Engineer’ on every document.
And of course: They are all counting on the City of Beaumont to be ‘The Bank’.
Agenda Item 3.a.4 & Agenda Item 3.a.5 Pardee Homes
City wants to accept Security Bonds from Pardee to complete infrastructure on property that has no Will-Serve Letter. Number of houses for project is not listed. Track # 34862 is not listed on the City’s Major Product Status Report.
Agenda Item 3.b Noble Creek: 274 Houses with 648 Houses on Specific Plan
Noble Creek has been on the Agenda numerous times this year. First as housing development, then as a Regional Park, and now back to housing.
Noble Creek has no Wii-Serve letter from the Water District
The 2005 EIR is outdated
The Traffic Study can not possibly be accurate as it is a proven fact that the City stole all the Mitigation Fees.
State Dept. of Transportation submitted a document dated August, 2014 with several requirements including an updated Traffic Analysis Report.
Urban Crossroads Report estimates Noble Creek will add an additional 2,608 trips per day and 205 vehicles per hour during peak drive times.
Agenda Item 3.c K Hovnanian Four Seasons: 1,321 houses
2004 EIR is outdated
No Will-Serve Letter
No Traffic Study
Agenda Item 3.e Heartland Area 5: 983 Houses
No Will-Serve Letter
1994 EIR is Outdated
Agenda Item 3.f Pardee Homes Bond Debt
Areas 8E & 8F: 4,716 Houses
Area 17D: 1,094 Houses
The City is attempting three (3) separate $25 Million bond for each of the three Areas for a total of $75 Million.
Major Product Status Report: