City Forges Financial Documents

By: Libi Uremovic , December 17, 2013 | Original Article at

e66fcddfabd5a83fd4b42955fbd97faeAgenda Item 4.a.2 on the December 17th
City of Beaumont Council Meeting Agenda states that for the 1st
four months of the fiscal year – July 1st through
October 31st – the City Generated $14,486,219 in Revenue
and $8,381,387 in Expenses for a Net Profit of $6,104,832.

The October 15th Council
Meeting Financial Update for the 1st two months of the
fiscal year listed Revenues at $2.4 Million and Expenses at $3.8
Million for a NET LOSS of $1.3 Million.

The July Bank Statement reports a
Beginning Balance of $5,834,019.

The October Bank Statement shows an
Ending Balance of $1,024,419.

If the City generated a $6 Million
profit, then why does the Bank Statement show $4.8 Million less

How is it possible for a local agency
to go from a $1.5 Million/month loss to a $1.5 Million/month profit
when their only source of revenue is Taxpayer monies?

Answer: It is only possible by Forging
Financial Documents.