If Lloyd White is Representing the City of Beaumont; All of his ‘Facts’ are a Matter of Public Record.
Councilman Lloyd White has made several statements for which he will have to produce backup. White’s statement was made as a Representative of the City of Beaumont and not a private citizen, so that makes his information a matter of public record.
All Communication and Verification for the following statements:
“Elizabeth Uremovic has no professional training or experience in municipal financing.”
“they weren’t making any progress with the authorities until voters elected new council members.” This should include all communication from the Beaumont City Councilmen and from the government agencies proclaiming that they were ignoring all Complaints from Citizens of Beaumont, but will proceed after Council’s Request. Also include all documents submitted to State and Federal Investigations to prompt investigation.
“Beaumont narrowly averted bankruptcy by reaching a settlement with WRCOG”
“There is an new council in place with no connections to the previous leadership.”
“This Council has hired a new city manager, new police chief, new finance director and new city attorney, all with no connections to Kapanicas or Urban Logic.” Verification that Deming, Warsinski, Gibbs-Urtiaga, and Thuilliez never worked with Kapanicas or Urban Logic. Verification that Melana Taylor and Onyx Jones never worked with Urban Futures.
“Beaumont is on the road to solvency.”
“Ms. Uremovic continues to attack, insult and slander anyone serving Beaumont in public office or hired on as staff or contracted as a consultant.”
“there has been no visible results from all her filings.” Backup for this statement should include, but not limited to, statements from State and Federal Officials assuring the City of Beaumont that they are not processing my Complaints.
“Ms. Uremovic’s growing desperation to get attention is showing in her outrageous and baseless accusations.” Can’t wait to see the backup for this.
“Her recent letter to the editor published in the Record Gazette on Dec. 29 is full of inaccuracies and fake news designed to interfere with our rebuilding community trust and continuing Beaumont’s recovery.”
“Ms. Uremovic doesn’t live anywhere near Beaumont and never has.”
“Because she believed she could turn a modest income from her work in Beaumont into a fulltime living from citizens in other cities in California interested in hiring her to uncover corruption in their cities.” Can’t wait for see the backup for this one either.
“potential clients are learning from her actions here, that she cares nothing about improving their lives, only about destroying their local government.” Can’t wait to see all of Lloyd White’s ‘evidence’.
“She doesn’t care if she leaves their communities in pieces or in helping them rebuild.”
“: Alan Kapanicas is still receiving a salary. Fake news.”
“Beaumont’s city attorney confirmed with the D.A.’s office that the Kapanicas bank account had been frozen as part of the criminal case.”
“City staff directed that no more payments be made because it would violate a court order.”
“Alan Kapanicas was fired”
“After Kapanicas was arrested, terminal leave payments were suspended in May 2016.” Proof of suspension of payments in May 2016.
“no other party to the illegal acts remain with the city as either employees or consultants.” Proof that Urban Futures is not associated with Kapanicas and that Melana Taylor and Onyx Jones were not brought in by Urban Futures. Proof that Fagan, Deming, Warsinski, Gibbs-Urtiaga, and Thuilliez are no longer employed with the City of Beaumont.
“The city of Beaumont never filed a complaint with the D.A.’s office. False.” Copy of Complaints.
Objection from City filed with Riverside County Courts regarding paying Kapanicias $101,269.29. Include official filings, communication with all elected and appointed officials, and direction from Council to object to paying Kapanicas $101,269.29.
Letters of Agreement to Cooperate with Western Regional Council of Governments, the district attorney, SCO, FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission.