$2 Million Charge to CFD for ‘Community Services’

Not One Person Involved in Beaumont’s Audit Knew They Plugged in $2 Million to the CFD Fund for ‘Community Services’.

The City of Beaumont has a long history of just plugging in numbers after they’ve wasted the money.

On Beaumont’s 2016 Audit, page 75, is the Community Facilities Capital Projects Fund Schedule of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Balance. $2,007,910 is recorded for ‘Community Services’.

No one in the City of Beaumont knew where the $2 Million was plugged in to the CFD Projects Fund under the guise of ‘Community Services’.

Finance Director Melana Taylor allegedly prepared the Financial Statements, but she had no idea where the CFD Statements of Revenue and Expenses was on the Audit or where to look.

Van Lant and Fankhanel Audited the Financial Statements, but they didn’t know anything about it either.

No one in the Audit and Finance Committee had even looked at the Audit. To their credit; they decided that it might be a good ideal to read the 2016 Audit even though they’re sure that they’re not responsible for the Audit.