Beaumont Council Agenda April 18, 2017

Closed Session: Sierra Club v. City of Beaumont and Laborers International Union of North America, Local Union No. 1184 v. City of Beaumont

City of Beaumont City Council Meeting
Closed Session 5:00 PM
Regular Session 6:00 PM

Beaumont Financing Authority
Beaumont Utility Authority
Beaumont Successor Agency (formerly RDA)

550 E 6th Street, Beaumont, Ca
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Closed Session


Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1): Two Cases (1. Sierra Club v. City of Beaumont, Case No. RIC 1613142; 2. Laborers International Union of North America, Local Union No. 1184, v. City of Beaumont et al., Case No. RIC 1611674).



DMV/Donate Life California Month

2. Ratification of Warrants dated March 30, 2017

Item 2

3. Ratification of Warrants dated April 6, 2017

Item 3

4. Approval of Minutes dated April 4, 2017

Item 4

5. Approval of Final Map for Tract # 31462-8 and Improvement Agreement for the Survey Monumentation Bond for D.R. Horton

Item 5

6. Agreement to Provide Financial Security for Tract # 31470-3, -4, -5, and -6

Item 6

7. Agreement to Provide Financial Security for Tract # 31470-3

Item 7

8. Agreement to Provide Financial Security for Tract # 31469-4

Item 8

9. Approval of Final Parcel map for Tract # 35789, and Improvement Agreement for the Survey Monumentation Bond for Sundance Corporate Center

Item 9

10. First Amendment to Tolling Agreement with Rod Gunn and Rod Gunn and Associates

Item 10

11. First Amendment to Tolling Agreement with Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP

Item 11

12. Award Contract for Fixed Inventory Tracking System and Related Services (GASB 34)

Item 12

13. Amend Existing Scope of Work and Purchase Order in the Amount Not to Exceed $50,000 to NAI Consultants of Cathedral City for Transportation Infrastructure Needs Analysis Report

Item 13

14. Quarterly Cash and Investments Report

Item 14

15. Award of Contract for FY15-16 City Financial Audit Services

Item 15

16. Authorize Lease and Maintenance Agreements with Konica Minolta

Item 16

Approval of all Ordinances and Resolutions to be read by title only.

17. July 4th Event

Recommended Council Action(s):

Approve the Community Services Department to proceed with the event planning.

Item 17

18. Maximum Benefit Monitoring Program for Groundwater and Surface Water

Recommended Council Action(s):
1. Approve amending current contract with Dudek for the 2017 groundwater and surface water monitoring.

Item 18

19. Award of Contract to Safe USA from Ontario, Ca., for the Traffic Striping Contract

Recommended Council Action(s):
1. Award a contract to Safe USA for traffic striping and pavement marking in the amount of $75,000.00

Item 19

20. Request for Budget Adjustment

Recommended Council Action(s):
1. Approve Budget Adjustment 2017-3

Item 20

21. Award of Contract to Johnson Power with Contract of $88,545.55 for the Replacement of Generator at the Beaumont Police Department and Repairs to the Transit Building Generator.

Recommended Council Action(s):
1. Award the contract to replace the existing emergency generator at the police station with a new SCAQMD certifiable generator in the amount of $56,833 from account no. 100-2050-8040-0000

2. Award the contract to install a SCAQMD certifiable particulate air filter on the existing transit building generator in the amount of $31,715 paid from State Transit Assistance funds from account no. 750-7000-8012-0000

Item 21

22. Approval of Finance Plan and Amendments of Contracts to Various Consultants for the Potrero Interchange Project

Recommended Council Action(s):
1. Approve Finance plan as shown in Table 1 above.
2. Authorize the City Manager to amend the following contracts as follows:

a. Mark Thomas additional $131,000 for a total of $241,000.
b. LSA additional $7,000 for a total of $25,600.
c. Dennis Janda, Inc. additional $25,000 for a total of $180,000.
d. IDC additional $65,000 for a total of $180,000
e. Epic Land Solutions additional $50,000 for a total of $75,300.
3. Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract with TRC Solution in the amount of $35,000 to complete the plans for the Interim Phase.

Item 22

23. Approve City Council Goal Statements and Set the Time and Date for a FY2018 Budget Workshop

Recommended Council Action(s):
1. Give direction to set a time and place for a budget Workshop

2. Approve the City Council Goal Statements and set a FY2018 budget workshop for Thursday April 27

Item 23

24. RFP for Civic Plaza Facility Needs and Downtown Beautification Study

Item 24

• Carroll
• Lara
• Martinez
• Orozco
• White





25. Status of City of Beaumont Litigation

Item 25


Adjournment of the City Council of the April 18, 2017 Meeting at ____ p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Beaumont City Council, Beaumont Financing Authority, Beaumont Utility Authority, and the Beaumont Successor Agency (formerly RDA), is scheduled for Tuesday, May 2, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. or thereafter as noted on the posted Agenda for Closed Session items in the City Council Board Room No. 5, followed by the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. or thereafter as noted on the posted Agenda at City Hall.

Beaumont City Hall – Online